- (12), 1996
Yrd. Doç Dr. Işıl İNCE ÖZYILDIRIM & Doç Dr. Gülsev PEKKANThis study has been carried out to examine
the features of the language used in the headlines of
sports news in Turkish newspapers and how these headlines
could be used in language teachingo it has been
stressed that a language cannot be studied only by depending
on its grammatical structure, its communicative
functions should also be taken into consideration. It has
been found out that headlines of sports news in Turkish
newspapers have several communicative functions and
these headlines could be used in language teaching to emphasize
both the structure and the functions of these structures
in Turkish.
Keywords: Headlines of sports news, discourse analysis, speech acts, language teaching.
Brain activation experiments with 99mTc HMPAO SPECT
Güven Mengü, L. Özlem Kapucu, Bülent Turgut & Mustafa ÜnlüThe purpose of this study is to obtain physical evidence
which differentiates four levels of language in right - handed
subjects whose levels of English language are intermediate,
advanced. bilingual and native. The brain metabolisms
of the subjcets were investigated in the light of
the changing regional cerebral blood flows according to
the language tasks given to the subjects. The method applied
in the experiments is termed as 99mTc HMPAO (Hexamethylpropylene
Amine Oxime) S.P.E.C.T (Single Photon
Emission Computerized Tomography). This method
also necessitates intravenous injection of a radioactive element
(Technetium) which is linked with a pharmaceutical
Hexamethylpropylene Amine Oxime that is specific to
brain. The injected substance emits gamma radiation which
are detected by the gamma cameras and then turned into
colored brain images. The language levels of English and
the nationalities of the volunteer subjects are:
l.Intermadiate (Turkish). 2. Advanced (Turkish), 3. Bilingual
(British and Turkish), 4. Native Speaker (American).
The experiments comprise the baseline and activation phases.
The subjcets were injected the brain perfusion agent
99mTc HMPAO first and their brain images were performed
with a rotating gamma camera in the baseline
phase. In the activation studies, the volunteers were given
a 50 question oral language proficiency test showing gradual
difficulty. Approximately in the middle of the test, the
subjects were injected the perfusion agent and they kept
answering the questions. Mter completing the test, their
brain images were taken in the same way. It can be pointed
out that between baseline and activation studies there
were no differences among the subjects except the volunteer
whole language level of English was intermediate.
It was also seen that the whole frantal cortex, particularly
the left side, revealed increased brain perfusion in this volunteer
Keywords: SPECT images, HMPAO (Hexamethylprapylene Amine Oxime), brain perfusion, nuclear medicine, language acquisition and learning.
Deux nouvelles: deux objets de valeur dans une classe de fle
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazmiye TopçuIn this study, first of all, the characteristics of the neglected
literary genre called short story are mentioned and it
is displayed that because of these characteristics short stories
are useful sources of authentic textes that can be used
in the teaching of french as a foreign language. Then, an
exemple analysis of short stories of G. Maupassant's La Parure
and P. Merimee's Matao Falcone is given. In this
analysis the relatianship between Subject (heroe) and Object
is enphasized.
Keywords: Short story, French as a foreign language, La Parure , Matao Falcone.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ece KorkutIn this paper, it has been investigated the thymic value
(valeur thymique) of the theme of Ilovel in several turkish
poems according to semiotics classifications. This study
tries to reveal that Ilovel is marqued as Idyspharic value!.
Keywords: Value, thymic value, euphark and dysphoric value in poems, poetry, love.
Claudia Storz' "Jessica mit Konstruktionsfehlern": Schreiben als Therapie?
Assist. Prof. Dr. Kenan Öncü"Jessica mit Konstruktionsfehlern" is the first novel of
the award-winning contemporary Swiss novelist Claudia
Storz. Like the novelist herself, the chief character in the
novel suffers from Morbus Krohn. Anather common point
between them is that they keep a diary, that is, they write
something. The aim of this monograph is to search for the
therapeutic function of the act of writing on the incurable
disease which makes life difficult for its victims. It is hoped
that this aim will be achieved by handling the problem
from a literary point of view and by focusing attentian on
how the sufferer fights with illness by employing herself
mentaııy. It has alsa been the aim of this paper to examine
the literary tendeney of the period in which the novel was
written and the function of the act of writing on the psychological
mood of the writer herseif. It has be en observed
that the therapeutic function of the act of writing is not so
effective on the heroine as it is on the writer herself.
Keywords: Illness, therapy, to write.
Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Voltan Acar, Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim Yıldırım & Arş. Gör.Tuncay ErgeneThe purpose of this study was to investigate the religiosity
level of individuals according to their age, gender, marital
status, SES, helping sources and their views about the
future. The sample of the study included 873 individuals
aged above 16 years and live in Ankara between the dates
of lst and 30th of April 1995. A questionaire developed by
the researchers was utilized in the study. The data were analyzed
by Chi-square Test.
The findings have shown that men were more radical
compared to women on religiosity level. There was an increase
in religiosity level due to age and a decrease due
to SES and educational level. Although the activities such
as visiting fortune teller, shrines and giving smail amount
of money, goods or commodities to the poor people are
common amongst the highly religious people, belief in personal
horoscope is more popular amongst the less religious
ones. On the other hand, two-thirds of the respondendents
have declared negative opinions about the future of the society
in wich they live, the ratio was one-third amongst the
respondents who have negative opinions about their own
Social and educational implications of these findings
were discussed.
Keywords: Religiosity level, religion.
An experiment on quitting smoking programme
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fidan KORKUTToday, smoking is a very comınon habit among university
students. it is well known that this habit is harmful not only to
the smokers' health but alsa to the non-smokers' who
exposed to the smokers' environs. From this perspective, the
smoking habit has a social dimension. Therefore, a
programıne was devised in order to help smokers to quit
smoking. This research was carried out in the 1992-93
academic year, during the spring semester at Hacettepe
University. In this research "a quit smoking programıne"
based on a programıne lasting 20 days developed by the
American Lung Association including behavioural and
cognitive techniques was used. The programıne, which helps
subjects to address their smoking behaviour, was practised as
a group guidance. Having participated to the programıne 9 of
23 smokers quitted smoking.
Keywords: Smoking, quit smoking, a quit smoking programme.
The opinions of teachers, supervisors and directors about some propositions related to some supervisory roles and practices and some administrative matters
Assist. Prof. Yusuf BadavanThis artide concerns the opinions of prirİıary school
teachers and supervisors and provincial directors of education
on some general statements about supervisory roles
and activities and administrative matters in Turkish primary
education. The statistical data utilized here were gathered
from a study carried out in ten provinces of Turkey for fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
at the University of Leicester, England. The entire
thesis was submitted in 1993.
Groups were requested to state their opinions ab out
given 10 statements on a five point scale ranging from
"strongiy agree" to "strongiy disagree". It is appeared from
the findings that there were statistically significant differences
among the views of teachers, supervisors and directors
on these given general statements about supervisory
roles, activities and administrative matters in Turkish
primary education conceming especially with prevailing
practices, rather than the conceptual ones. Although there
were statistically significant differences between the views
of teachers and supervisors, directors and supervisors were
in accord in their views on most of the statements. A discussion
related to the findings especially on the controversial
ones is also produced in the last section of the article.
Keywords: Supervision, inspection, advice, guidance, investigation, administration (or management) of schools, educational activities, supervisory activities, primary schools, innovative behaviour, centralisation, decentralisation, autonomy, accountability.
Dr. Salih Bolatperceived by the administrators, instructors and administrative
staff. Applying the survey method in the interpretation
of the data which is gathered through questionnaire,
the study made use of frequency distribution,
arithmetic mean, standard deviation, item analysis and variant
In the same context, as a result of the study the degree
of communication as it is perceived by the administrators is
higher than the degree of communication perceived by the
instructors and the employes.
Keywords: Education, Communication, administrator, instructor, administrative staff.
Spreadsheets in education
Res. Ast. M. Miraç ÖzarThis paper deaIs with the use of spreadsheets in education.
The advantages of using spreadsheets in the educational
context and same suggestions made by various people
in the literature are alsa address ed to encourage
teachers to utilize spreadsheets in various subjects. It is emphasized
that the usage of spreadsheets can only be of real
value as long as theyare put into an educational context
and are integrated with the major objectives of the curriculum.
it was alsa pointed out that spreadsheets can be
used for school management purposes and for various instructional
Keywords: Spreadsheets, spreadsheets in education.
Multigraded classes in Turkey: improving the quality of instruction
Münire ERDENThere are approximately 24000 multigraded classes in
Turkey. Unfortunately, the quality of education in these
classes is law. The aim of this article is to determine same
characteristics and problems of multigraded classes and to
state same suggestions to heIp solve their problems.
Keywords: Multigraded classes.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ali YıldırımThe importance of interdisciplinary teaching in causing
meaningful and effective learning in students is emphasized
increasingly both in the literature and in schools.
Teacher education programs attempt to explore ways to integrate
different subject areas in a meaningful way to prepare
their students as future teachers so that they themselves
can utilize the same approach in their teaching
practices in schools. Interdisciplinary approach is viewed
as a way of bringing together different disciplines in a meaningful
and practical manner so that students perceive
knowledge and skills as a whole rather than discrete pieces.
This approach is consistent with our natural way of
thinking, that is halistic most of the time.
This artiele explores the rationale behind interdisciplinary
approach to teaching and learning process
and offers implications for curriculum development in
schools. A model for interdisciplinary curriculum development
is discussed, and ce rtain suggestions for promoting
interdisciplinary teaching in our schools are offered.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary teaching, interdisciplinary curriculum, teaeher edueation.
The dilemma of didactic paradigms and the pracitioner's challenges in integratrive planning
Ass. Prof. Dr. Klaus HoffmannThe literature on didactic model s offers a confused profusion
of planning strategies, and especially the beginning
teachers are faced with a considerable classroom dilernma.
There is hardly any sufficiently well-founded theory of
teaching on the basis of which specific and individual instructional
model s of practice and action could be substantiated,
transferred and integrated.
In order to supply the newly-qualified teachers with an
orientation categorical framewark for a comprehensive,
flexible concept of instructional design, a few exemplary
progressive, .open-minded didactic models shall be analysed
and evaluated in the context of current research
The use of a thus wider and integrative learner-oriented
didactic fundamentum is but a milestone far more independent
professional practice, and beginning teachers
should become conscious of the ir own models of competent
good teaching
Keywords: Didactic models, planning aids, learnercentred, practitioner's challenge, professional's framework of action.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nezahat GüçlüThis study examined the adjustment problems of foreign
graduate students attending the University of Pittsburgh
and coping strategies and sources of help utilized by
those students in their efforts to dea i with the problems
they face. Differences among students were examined by
gender, age, marital status, and geographical region, academic
level, major field, English proficieney, and sources
of financial support. The data were collected using the
Michigan International Student Problem Inventory (MISPI).
: The sample comprised 500 foreign graduate -students from
90 countries attending University of Pittsburgh in Spring
term, 1993.
The major findings of the study were: O) foreign graduate
students reported having the most diffjculties in English
Language and Finandal Aid of the eleven problem areas
of the MISPI sub-scales; (2) female students
experienced significantly more problems in the Health Services
and the Acadernic Records areas than male counterparts;
(3) there were significant differences among the students
from the five geographical regions in all problem
areas except Placement services. European students reported
fewer problems than the remaining four regional
groups in all the problem areas; (4) in the Admission-
Selection area, the students majoring in Humanities experienced
significantly more problems than other groups;
(5) master's students reported having than doctoral students
in the Admission-selection, Academic Records, Social-
Personal, Living-Dining, and English Language areas; (6)
the students who had high English proficiency scores experienced
significantly fewer problems than those who had
low English proficieney scores; (7) the students sponsored
by their home governments experienced significantly more
problems with orientation services, academic records, social-
personal, living-dining, religious services, andEnglish
language than respondents in other groups; (8) coping
strategies utilized by foreign students in adjusting were:
writing letters to home, telephone calls to home, speaking
to Americans, finding close friendships, taking illegal offcampus
jobs, and obtaining loans from friends; and (9) the
family was the most helpful in solving their adjustment
Keywords: Foreign student, adjustment, adjustment problem, foreign student's adjustment problems, coping strategies, sources of help.
The development of higher education
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurgün OktikThis paper has concantreted on the basic concepts of
learning, education, training and higher education from the
different point of views. The idea of higher education and
the root of the modern university has looked upon through
the historical development. Than the paper has considered
the higher education today and their underlying philosophy
and golas. Later the study briefly has outlined the
two conflicted terms of autonomyand academic freedom.
The research which is the main activity of the university
has shortly discussed with the impact of the technological,
social and economic changes
Keywords: Autonomy, academic freedom, manpower needs, social change, economic change, gualification.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayhan Demir & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ahmet OkThe present study was designed to examine the faculty
and students opinions about elective course system applied
in the Middle East Technical University. For this purpose
91 academic staff with varying academic titles who offered
the elective courses and 189 students taking elective courses
were asked to write their apinions. All written opinions
were examined ane-by-one and, then discussed under
same comman points. In addition a set of opinions and
suggestions are put forth regarding the improvement of the
elective caurse system at the Middle East Technical University
and cansequently other higher education institutians.
Keywords: Elective courses, üniversity.
Doç. Dr. Buket AkkoyunluThis study investigated the effect of integration of computer
literacy skills into curriculum on 4th and 5th grades
primary pupils' achievements, computer skills and attitudes
toward computers. Computer literacy means that ability to
be user of computers.
Experimental and control groups were compared on
their achievement, computer skills and attitudes toward
computers. The findings showed that there was a significant
differences at the p< 0.05 level between pre and
post tests scores on word processing in both groups and
there is also a significant differences between pre and post
tests scores on achievement tests in experimental groups.
Keywords: Computer literacy, attitudes toward computers, integration of the computers, computers and curriculum.
Doç. Dr. Adnan BakiAlthough computer-based mathematics teaching is officially
spoken in Turkey, there is no any program developed
to prepare inservice teachers or preservice teachers
to use the computer in school mathematics. If we are
not abie to give an adequate answer to the question which
is the title of this paper (is th computer everything in mathematics
teaching?), more likely teachers will develop negative
attitudes towards the idea of computer-based mathematics
teaching: some will continue to see the computer
as luxory in mathematics classroom or some will see it as a
machine to replace the teaher. These unfavorable attitudes
towards the computer technology will naturally lead teachers
to reject the integration of this technology into mathematics
education. This paper describes a step-by-step procedure
that enables teachers to develop computer-based
lessons that effectively use software in the classroom. In order
to acheive this goal, the technology is first analyzed to
determine its potencial power for mathematics edu cation.
As a finai step, examples and suggestions are given by using
different educational software.
Keywords: Teacher education, computer-based Mathematics teaching.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Aysun UmayAlthough mathematics and mathematical thinking have
important place in daily life, people usually accept it as a
difficult subject and a thinking process. Besides teachers
come accrose with some difficulties while teaching it. The
difficulty of the maths depends on its content as well as
the bias and fear towards maths. The recent researches
show that the achievement would be increased with a new
approach in maths teachingo it is expected that student
centered new mathematics teaching approach, which gives
the opportunity students to express their opinions easily,
enables students to improve their thinking strategies and
provides students to connect relation between mathematics
and daily life from the first day of the school, contribute to
train students as mathematical thinking and problem solving
people in spite of its bias. The improvement in maths
teaching will directly effect the society as a whole.
Keywords: Mathematical thinking; Maths taeching; Measurement in math.
Prof. Dr. Yaşar ErsoyBased on few data obtained from a group of mathematics
teachers who participated in the inservice education
and training (INSET) courses held at METU, the issues related
to the organisation and general concerns are explained.
In this context, the necessity for the professional
development of mathematics teachers and getting competences
through continuing education, the goals of more
effective INSET programs and its structure are summarised
in a broad line, then choosing an example among the
modules called "Introduction to Calculus/Pre-calculus"
which was in the content of the INSET courses, the views
of mathematics teachers and their suggestions for the design
of INSET programs are explored to some extent.
Keywords: Mathematics education, teaching calculus, in-service education, teachers' views, curricula, design of INSET program.
Prof. Dr. Yaşar ErsoyThis investigation, which was planned as a small scale
experimental pilot study, evaluates the introduction to calculus
unit taught in the in-service education and training
(INSET) course held at METU, and explains the teachers'
ideas and suggestions related to this matter. The data was
collected from some of the mathematics teachers joined to
the INSET program. Then the data was analysed to darify
some points related to the organisation of such courses
and to discuss the current issues very briefly. Although
most of the teachers benefited from the INSET program,
some teachers said that they did not get their expectations.
The reason was the deficiency in their background
and their use of English language. They also mentioned
that the course was taught by traditionallecture method in
a short time.
Keywords: Mathematics education, teaching calculus, in-service education, teachers' views, curricula, design of INSET program.
Prof. Dr. Yaşar ErsoyIn this paper, by taking into account the headlines of
projections of same development in the areas of both
teacher training and Mathematics Education (ME) in the
world very briefly, the ideas, investigation and same designed
activities related to the pre-service educatian program
for mathematics teachers in the Department of Science
Educatian at METU are highlighted. In this context, to
achieve the minimum competencies in terms of international
standards for mathematics teacher training program
and ME same suggestions have been drawn up.
Keywords: Mathematics education, teacher training, pre-service education program, METUDept of Science Education.
Liberating school mathematics from procedural view
Prof. Dr. Richard Noss & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan BakiProcedural view of mathematics assumes that the teacher
is the possessor of ready made mathematical knowledge
is to be conveyed to the studeni. On the other hand, "conceptual
view of mathematics" challenges the assumption
that teachers transmit knowledge to students and argues
that teacher's conceptualizations cannot be given directly
to the learner and conceptual understanding in mathematics
must be constructed by the learner. The first section of
the paper starts by explaining what is meant by the term
"conceptual view of mathematics". The second section
deals with the current pattern of teacher education and
problems in training secondary school mathematics teachers,
and examines the possibilities of liberating the Turkish
mathematics educatian from the procedural view of mathematics.
In the last section, same possible implications for
mathematics teacher educatian are discussed.
Keywords: Mathematics education, preservice teacher education.
Dr. Hüsniye Demircioğlu & Doç. Dr. Ömer GebanThe purpose of this study is to explore the effect of
classroom instruction enriched with Computer Aided Instruction
(CAl) on sixth grade students' science achievement.
Two groups of students were involved in this study.
Experimental group took classroom instruction together
with Computer Aided Instructian (CAl) Whereas control
group were thought by classroom instruction and recitation.
Units under consideration were Static Electricity, Electrical
Conduction, Electrical Circuits and Ohm's Law. t-test
analysis was used to detect the differences in science
achievement of two groups. Results showed a significant
difference between two groups. CAl group took significantlı
higher scores.
Keywords: Aided instruction (CAl) science achievement, recitation.
Prof. Dr. F. İnci Morgil & Arş.Gör. Rıdvan SayThe development of "Pre-Planning" and "Instructional
Design" phases are regarded as the most notable elements
in the appearance of software. In the pre-planning phase
of the chemistry education softwares that we have developed,
the general purpose, level of specific purposes,
main subjects, the place of it in the curriculum should be
mentioned exactly.
In the instructional design phase the characteristics of
the chemistry education coursware should be planned in
accordance with instructional principles and researches
because the chemistry education software is the process
of designing chemistry education software in details in
the light of both education-training processes and science.
In the detailed designig phase, chemistry education
coursware should be presented in details and notes
should be produced related LO chemistry education by
pointing out achievement ways, guiding clues and unity
of the subject; besides, frame of the software should be
formed by taking into consideration the aimed thoughts in
the light of "educational instructional design
In the process of interaction with the student, in order
to prevent estimated deviations and focus them on a certain
point related to answers of the student, the process
should be made mechanicaliny by the help of flow charts.
Keywords: Computer assisted education, chemistry education software, pre-planning, intructional design.
Arş.Gör. Rıdvan Say & Prof. Dr. F. İnci MorgilThe following step after the development of teaching
chemistry software is the evaluatin of it. The evaluation
consist of administrering questionnaires directed to experts
and putting into practice the software in student
The questionnaire comprises three parts in which con~
tent of the software is examined from the veiwpoints of
science, technical and science education technology. It
is observed that scientific evaiuation directed to the experts
is about the convenience of the valid scientific data in
chemistry and it is also noted that the result is 2.90 over
3.00 which can be regarded as quite satisfactory. The
evaluation about technical and educational qualities have
be en put into practice by computer assisted education experts in terms of easy operation, screen arrangement and
student relations, the results of which have be en positive.
science education technology experts pointed out
that science education technology was "very good" as a
result of the evaluation in accordance with content, method,
teaching and application processes. In the testing and
evaiuation phases, Anatolian High School Students and the
ones who do not know anything about chemistry were
taken advantage of and the achievement test at the end of
the software was applied in both groups resulting in success
in knowledge and comprehension levels but not in
application level.
Keywords: Computer assisted education, chemistry education software, evaluation of software.
Bird species which are becoming extinct and red data books for bird species of Türkiye
Prof. Dr. İlhami KiziroğluIn this study, the bird species which are becoming extinct
in Türkiye are examined. Natural scientists prepare
"Red Data Books" for taking the necessary preventive
measures and for determining the dangers with which the
bird, plant, and animal species are confronted. The books
prepared have an attribute of international importance
since they concem the people who are interested in protecting
nature from all sectors. The reasons why the bird
species disappear are analysed in two main groups: 1. As a
result of the consumer pressures of our people that directly
pave the way to extinction. 2.The bird species that are indirectly
influenced on the path to extinction. The functions
of the "Red Data Books" which are prepared for the endangered
bird species are also mentioned in the study.
That many of the bird species living in Türkiye are faced
with extinction, the censuses, the observations and findings
related with the bird species, the degree of endangerement
related with the bird species are determined from the studies
that reflect the size of population of those species. In
addition to this, the objectives of the Red Data Books are
scrutinized. Extinction degrees of the Nonpasseres Groups
of bird species in Anatolia are given.
Keywords: Red data books; birds; Türkiye.
Doç.Dr. Necdet SağlamIn this study, the content of -the Healthcare-Courses,
student motivation, course outline, problems of the teachers
and the students related to the course have been investigated
in 5 secondary schools in the city of Ankara.
The courses were put into practice in 1984-1985 academic
year in secondary schools.The content of the program
was prepared well by the Ministry of Education,
However, due to the problems encountered with during
the applications, the courses were not given effectively.
At the end of the study, possible solutions were put forward
in order to solve the determined problems.
Keywords: Science education, health-care courses, secondary education.
Doç. Dr. Levent TuranIn Turkeyand Europe some species of birds of prey
are trapped for hunting. For this, different methods are
used. Howewer, number of the injured birds of prey less
than the number of the birds of prey which are injured or
killed with the method of gun which is ignorance.
Keywords: Hunting, hunter, hunting animals, birds of prey , trapping of birds of prey.
Dr. Galip Akaydın & Prof. Dr. Sadık ErikEs vurden 3600 Pflanzenmaterial in Ankara gesammelt
und bestimt. Nach der Duchschung der entsprechender Literatur
wurden 38 neue Pflanzenarten für die A4 Quadrat
Keywords: Neue floristisches Einschreibung, A4 Ankara, Flora der Türkei.
Prof. Dr. İnci Morgil & Doç.Dr. Sevgi BayarıSucces of secondary school students in solving Physics
questions of ÖSS and ÖVS examinations have been investigated
in terms of these questions suitability to secondary
school education program and an average student's
physics background. Factors affecting succes have been
studied through a questionnaire distributed to undergraduate
students of Hacettepe University. Lack of visual
education/training material, disability of educators, and
the lack of student's personal interest in physics are defined
to be the major factors influencing succes in these examinations.
Keywords: Physics education, ÖSYM - ÖSS -ÖYM examinations
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Salih Çepni & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ali Rıza Akdenizit is well known that the existing curriculum of the faculties
of education does not have courses with adequate
contents to equip the teacher candidates with the knowledge
and skills needed in the teaching-Iearning process of
physics at the secondary level. In order to contribute this
area, in this work a lesson, based on the action research
model, was developed. The needs of the lesson and definition
of the model were given. The objectives and the
content of the lesson developed were determined. The implementation
of the lesson at the departments of physics
education was also discussed with how and why questions.
Keywords: Curriculum development and implementation; physics education; action research; physics teacher candidates.
Prof. Dr. F. İnci Morgil & Öğrt. Gülen Sayching, 13 chemistry teaching syllabuses in Turkey have
been compared. A questionnaire has been applied for
evaluation. In the light of the evaluation, it can be said
that main differences do not exist among the above mentioned
syllabuses in terms of quantity and quality of the
courses and it is found out that 19 - 21 hours pedagogical
formation courses are given in a week in the curriculum of
the Faculty of Education. However, it is determined that
in certain syllabuses, some special chemistry subjects are
given priority in the light of the courses.. A questionnaire
directed to the instructors, teachers and fourth class students
of Chemistry Teaching departments has be en administered.
The questionnaire comprised evaluations in
terms of main course subjects, student achievement,
knowledge of the instuctors, how to teach a certain point
and the a13plicationof a syllabus related to chemistry teaching.
The results of the questionnaire put forward the view
that field caurses should comprise detailed knowledge
that could als o be used in high schools by the teachers;
moreover, educatian courses should include knowledge
and behavior that would be used in teaching.
Keywords: Chemistry teaching, sylabuses of chemistry teaching.
Dr. Nilgün Seçken, Prof. Dr. F. İnci Morgil & Filiz SongülBased on the ÖSYM data of the last years 0989-
1992) about entrance into higher edu ca tion chemistry
programs. this research investigats the degrees of preference
of the graduate programs of Chemistry Education,Chemistry Engineering and Chemistry and how many of
the candidates are placed in the programs selected.
Af ter the number of graduate students are found out
according to the areas of instruction, the achrevement of
these students within the years was examined and the effect
of sufficient faculty members on student successe was
it is thought that the results of this research can be
use d in making same important and meaningful comparisons
between the related higher education programs. For
example, the comparisons will highlight the students who
prefer these programs and their lowest and highest scores,
the achievement rates of these students in graduating
from the ir programs and the effect of sufficient faculty
members on their achievement..
In this research, the effect of the medium of instruction
in Turkish or in a foreign language on students'
choices about the three Chemistry programs was alsa investigated.
Statistical evaiuatian indicate that the medium
of instruction plays role in entrance into Chemistry
Education, Chemistry Graduate, and Chemistry Engineering
Programs. Finally, it is concluded which medium
of instructian, in our own language or in a foreign
language, is important.
Keywords: ÖSYM (Center for Student Selection and Placement for Higher Eduation) - Examination system, entrance into chemistry graduate programs, entrance into chemistry engineering programs, entrance into chemistry education programs.
Melek Demirel.
Keywords: Expository text, reading comprehension, illustration, graphic representation.