Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Hacettepe University Journal of Education publishes original, unique, and high-quality studies that aim to contribute to the development of scientific research and evaluation. The published research seeks to enhance knowledge in the field of education and provide valuable content to readers. Hacettepe University Journal of Education is an international peer-reviewed journal published four times a year (January, April, July, October) and adheres to the following principles:


  1. In line with its publication policy, our journal features quantitative and qualitative original research articles in all areas of education.
  2. As of February 1, 2021, Hacettepe University Journal of Education will only accept articles in English. Those with Turkish articles in the review process must provide a full text in English.
  3. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted to another journal simultaneously for publication. Hacettepe University Journal of Education retains all publication rights for accepted articles.
  4. ULAKBIM has updated the TRDIZIN Journal Evaluation Criteria for 2020 and detailed the articles related to the ethics committee permission required for scientific research. In this context, the following ethics-related information and documents will be requested from all articles uploaded to our journal as of January 1, 2020. Without this information and documents, even if the evaluation process of the articles is completed, they will not be accepted, and they will not be published as an early view with a DOI number.
    1. As of January 1, 2020, Ethics Committee Approval is mandatory for all articles uploaded and in-process. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the new manuscript template, and ethics committee information and declarations should be stated and documented in the manuscript. Information about the approval (board name, date, and number) should be included in the method section and also in the footnote on the first page of the article.
      • Please mask or redact specific information (e.g., location, full ID, name of the committee) for the blind review process. This means not to state any explicit information about your ethical approval. You may wish to redact using an asterisk, as shown in the example below.


  1. Ethical approval for this study was obtained from *NAME OF ETHICS COMMITTEE OR CORPORATE REVIEW BOARD (APPROVAL NUMBER/ID)*.


ii. Ethical approval for this study was waived by *NAME OF ETHICS COMMITTEE OR CORPORATE REVIEW BOARD* because *REASON FOR WAIVER*.


iii. Ethical approval was not obtained for this study due to *INSERT A RATIONAL REASON HERE*.


iv. This article is not valid as it does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects.


  1. The "Declaration of Research and Publication Ethics" field in the manuscript template should include the ethical statements of the authors. This statement should include statements that "research and publication ethics have been complied with" and/or "copyright regulations have been respected for the intellectual and artistic works used". In addition, after the "Declaration of Research and Publication Ethics", fields such as "Authors' Contribution Rates", "Declaration of Support", "Acknowledgments" and "Conflict of Interest" should be included. Of these, "Authors' Contribution Rates" and " Conflict of Interest" must be used compulsorily. "Acknowledgements" and " Declaration of Support" are not mandatory.


  1. After the acceptance of the article, the ethics committee document must be submitted along with the author guarantee and liability document. Articles that do not submit the ethics committee certificate and do not include information about this document in the article will not be given a DOI number and will not be published in our journal.


  1. Articles submitted to the journal should only be uploaded to the account opened in the "Article Management System" at Manuscripts sent to Co-Editors, Editorial Board members, or journal contact email addresses are not accepted as official submissions.
  2. Articles submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the deputy editor of the journal. Articles prepared in accordance with the journal template are then sent to the co-editors. Co-editors and the Editorial Board examine the articles for compliance with the journal's editorial principles, and the articles deemed appropriate are assigned to field editors. The field editors examine the articles in terms of their contribution to existing knowledge in the field and, if deemed appropriate, send the article to the rewievers. The following points are taken into consideration in the preliminary review stages:
    1. Compliance with publication ethics
    2. Compliance with journal publication principles
    3. The scientific originality and currency of the subject of the study
    4. Contribution of the study topic to education
    5. Compliance with spelling rules and article writing template


  1. Manuscripts deemed appropriate after preliminary reviews are sent to reviewers for scientific evaluation. Based on the reviewer reports, the field editors, Editorial Board, and/or co-editors decide whether the articles will be published or not. If necessary, the manuscripts are sent back to the authors for revision or suggested corrections in line with the criticisms and suggestions of the reviewers.
  2. Only the co-editors provide communication between the author(s) and the reviewers. A double-blind review system is applied in the evaluation process of the articles in the journal.
  3. In order for the accepted manuscripts to be published, a guarantee and liability form must be signed by the author(s) and submitted to the journal. Additionally, the author(s) are asked to scan the article with a plagiarism checker program and send a printout of the plagiarism checker program certifying a maximum of 10% similarity rate together with the guarantee and liability form.
  4. Depending on the feedback from the reviewers and the decision of the co-editors, the first round of peer review of the articles submitted to the journal is expected to take approximately 6-8 weeks. However, this period may vary from field to field. In case there is a reviewer who does not agree to review, the period may be extended.
  5. The author(s) cannot make any changes on the articles accepted for publication and finalized.
  6. The author(s) are responsible for the content of the published article (accuracy of sources and citations, opinions expressed, and copyrighted charts, images and other visuals).
  7. Articles that are given doi numbers to be published in future issues are published on the basis of the topics and fields of the articles, not according to the doi number order or acceptance date. The articles to be published in each issue are determined by the co-editors by considering different fields of education.
  8. The author(s) and reviewers are not paid for the articles accepted for publication.
  9. In accordance with the open access policy, journal issues and articles are available on the journal's website and the full text of the articles can be accessed as pdf files.
  10. In accordance with ULAKBIM TR Index rules, the ORCiD numbers of all authors in the articles should be added to the final version of the article. Articles with missing ORCiD numbers will not be given a doi number and will not be opened for publication as an early view.


Ethical Principles


Hacettepe University Journal of Education is a peer-reviewed journal that enables the publication of scientific research and reviews. Hacettepe University Journal of Education aims to act in accordance with ethical values in the academic publication process and to implement a publication policy organized in line with these values. In this context, the ethical principles and publication policy of our journal, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (COPE) and COPE's Code of Conduct for Editors, AERA Code of Ethics: American Educational Research Association Approved by the AERA Council February 2011 and the sources listed in the Additional References section. In this document, information about the ethical principles and publication policy of Hacettepe University Journal of Education is presented.


Ethical Principles for Authors:

Authors have an important role in the academic publishing process and must ensure the accuracy and integrity of scientific information by strictly following ethical guidelines and editorial policies. Authors' responsibilities include:



Authors should emphasize transparency. For example, if an author is unsure whether his/her article is original (e.g. it could be considered a second publication), he/she should inform the journal editor(s). If the editor decides that it is suitable for publication, any potential overlap should be clearly indicated in the article.


Authors should be aware that carefully prepared and thoroughly presented work will make a valuable contribution to the academic community and the general public. Authors are responsible for promoting confidence in scientific research and publishing by ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of the data and results presented.


In conclusion, the authors' submission of their manuscripts in strict compliance with ethical principles and publication policies will enable the journal to serve as a reliable and quality source of information in the scientific field. Authors' consideration and proper fulfillment of these responsibilities when submitting their articles and during the publication process will help to promote integrity and transparency in the field of scientific research and publishing. In this way, Hacettepe University Journal of Education and similar journals will continue to be valuable and reliable resources for the scientific community.


Responsibilities of Reviewers

Reviewers are an essential component of the academic publication process and play an important role in assessing the quality and credibility of the work to be published. The responsibilities of reviewers include:



The reviewers’ evaluation of the articles in accordance with the above-mentioned responsibilities helps to ensure honesty and transparency in the field of scientific research and publishing. In this way, Hacettepe University Journal of Education and similar journals will continue to be valuable and reliable resources for the scientific community. By maintaining the quality and integrity of the publication process, reviewers provide a solid foundation for scientific progress. Fulfilling these responsibilities, contributing to the scientific publishing process and supporting ethical principles will increase the prestige and credibility of the journal.


In conclusion, for the Hacettepe University Journal of Education to continue to provide valuable and quality information to the scientific community by adopting an ethical and responsible approach in the field of scientific research and publishing, it is of great importance that the reviewers fulfill their responsibilities completely and meticulously.


Journal Editor(s) Responsibilities

Editors play an important role in the success and integrity of the academic publication process. They are responsible for making decisions about the management, content and editorial policies of the journal, ensuring the quality and ethical compliance of published articles. The responsibilities of editors include:



It is of great importance for the editors to fulfill their responsibilities completely and meticulously in order for Hacettepe University Journal of Education and similar journals to continue to provide valuable and quality information to the scientific community by adopting an ethical and responsible approach to scientific research and publishing. Fulfilling these responsibilities, contributing to the scientific publishing process and supporting ethical principles will increase the prestige and credibility of the journal.


In conclusion, in order for Hacettepe University Journal of Education to continue to provide valuable and quality information to the scientific community by adopting an ethical and responsible approach in the field of scientific research and publishing, it is of great importance that the editors fulfill their responsibilities completely and meticulously.


Responsibilities of the Editorial Board and Stakeholders


The editorial board and all stakeholders play important roles to ensure that the journal operates in accordance with ethical principles and to create a fair and transparent environment in the scientific publishing process. The responsibilities of editorial board members, journal staff, authors, reviewers and other stakeholders include



The editorial board and all stakeholders fulfilling these responsibilities, contributing to the scientific publishing process and supporting ethical principles will increase the prestige and credibility of Hacettepe University Journal of Education. In this way, the journal will continue to provide valuable and quality information to the scientific community by adopting an ethical and responsible approach to scientific research and publishing.


Correction, Retraction and Plagiarism Policies

Hacettepe University Journal of Education has policies of correction, retraction, and revision to ensure the accuracy and integrity of published content. Authors should notify the editor immediately if they notice any errors or inaccuracies in their published articles.


Studies in which plagiarism or malpractices are found will not be published, and cooperation will be made with the relevant institutions when necessary. In case of any ethical violation that occurs during the publication process, our journal conducts the necessary investigations and applies appropriate procedures such as correction, withdrawal or correction notification. Our journal aims to act in accordance with COPE guidelines when faced with situations requiring correction, withdrawal or clarification regarding published studies. In this process, all relevant parties will be informed and cooperation will be ensured.


Copyright Policies

Hacettepe University Journal of Education respects copyright in all its publications. By submitting their articles to the journal, authors agree that the copyright of the published articles will be transferred to Hacettepe University Journal of Education. Authors should ensure that the journal and authors are properly cited in case their articles published in the journal are used in another publication.



Hacettepe University Journal of Education strictly adheres to ethical principles and publication policies. It is important that authors, reviewers, editors, and all other stakeholders comply with these principles and policies and support honesty and transparency in the field of scientific research and publishing. In this way, the journal will continue to serve as a quality and reliable source of information in the field.


Hacettepe University Journal of Education is committed to acting in accordance with this Ethical Principles and Editorial Policy and expects all contributors to show the same care.


Related Principles and Additional Resources




Parallel Group Randomized Trials


Observational Studies


Reporting of Qualitative Research Studies







Reporting Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses:





PRISMA extension for network meta-analyses




PRISMA-Abstracts 2020














PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts


PRISMA-S           Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara

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