- (18), 2000
Res. Ast. Burcu AKBAYRAKIn this artide, as data collecting tools interviews
and questionnairesused in social science and educational
researches were examined. Firstly, the definitions
and types of both techniques were discussed. Then intreviews
and questionnaires were compared in terms of various
aspects. These comparasions were made regarding
cost, time, schedule, sample size and sampling, access to
information, bias, anonimity and confidentiaIty, response
rate, validity, reliability and data anaIysis. FinaIly, the
advantages and disadvantages of both techniques were
summarised in a table.
Keywords: lnterviews, Questionnaires. Research Methods.
Doç. Dr. Fatma ALİSİNANOGLU & Dr. Aysel KÖKSALThe research was conducted to determine
the relationsip between empathic skills and ego states of
adolescents, and find out the impact of sex on empathic
skills and ego states of adolescents. Research was carried
out on a total of 147 students attending second and third
grades of Home Economics College and the departments of
Agriculture Faculty Ankara University. "Empathy Skill Inventory
B Form" and "Adjective Check List" were used as
data collection instruments. Variance analysis method was
used to find out the effect of sex on empathic skills and ego
states; and also correlation coefficient significant test was
used to find out the relation between empathic skill levels
and ego states of adolescents. In concIusion, while the effect
of sex was not found statistically significant on empathic
ski1l, Critical Parent ego state, Nurturing Parent ego state,
Free Child ego state(P>O.05), the effect of sex was found
statistica1y significant on Adult Parent ego state, Adapted
Child ego state(P
Keywords: Adolescents, Empathic Skilı. Ego States (Parem Ego States. Adult Ego States, Child Ego States
Prof.Dr. Meziyet ARI, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Servet BAL, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Belma TUGRUL, Res.Ast.Selay UZMEN & Sema AYDOGANThis studyaimed to find out the Jevel of
knowledge of conservation possessed by six year old kindergarten
children and study the effect of the training program
employed on their knowledge of conservation. The
subjects consisted of a total of 49 six year old children attending
Hacettepe University's Gülveren Kindergarten. As
an experimental one, this study involved the following sequence
of events: pre-test
supportive training - post- test.
The children in both the experiment and control groups were
first administered the pre-test, in which adjustments had
been made to include tasks dealing with conservation of
number, length, material, quantity and weight. Following
this, the children in the experiment group were administered
a traıning-through-play program to reinforce the ir
knowledge of conservation. This program was applied five
day s a week for two months for each area of conservation.
Following the training period, the same tasks used in pretest
to test the children's knowledge of conservation, were
administered to the children in both the experiment and
control groups as the post or final test. In the statistical
analysis of the data the Ki-Square test (for dependent
samples) (Mc Nemar Test) was used and the number and
percentage of children successful in each area of conservation
in the pre-and post-tests were given. The difference
was found to be significant between the scores achieved by
the children in the experiment group in the pre- and posttests.
On the other hand, the difference between the scores
achieved by the children in the control group in the pre- and
post- tests was not significant. However, there was some
increase in the level of knowledge of conservation possessed
by the children in this group. Care should be taken that
educational programs designed for early childhood should
give room to educational activities which will help children
to acquire the concepts of conservation
Keywords: Conservation. Preschool Child, Piaget, Co/(nitiveDevelopment
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylanur ATAKLIThis study has analyzed the following topics;
I-The expectations of the students from the Ministry
of Education, school principals, teachers, parents. 2-Future
expectations of the students; the activities mostly liked
by them; their career preferences; the factors intluencing
them. The sample of the study includes the senior students
attending public secondary school s in the central districts
of the Ankara province. The sample was identified randomly
includes 512 students. However, the data of 498 students
have been taken into account because of various reasons.
The data that were collected through use of a questionnaire
were assessed in form of frequencyand percentage
distribution. Some of the findings could be stated as follows:
The students wish to have the content of the subjects
revised, wish to see more tolerance regarding school uniforms,
and have no instruction that is heavily based on memorisation.
The students regard the following topics important;
being healthy, conversations with friends. Theyare
mostly influenced by their parents. They prefer having future
education in the fields of engineering and law.
Keywords: Secondary education, reorganization, student expectations, student wishes, student preferences.
Yrd. Doç. Esin ATAV, Yrd. Doç. Ayhan YILMAZ, Arş. Gör. Melek YAMAN & Prof. Dr. Haluk SORANSince the number of candidate university
students is much more than the capacity of higher education
institutions, entrance to these institutions has been carried
out through means of ÖSYM (Student Selection Placement
Centre) examinations since 1974. The "selection"
process in higher education is compulsory in Turkey. The
examination system that has been changed from time to time
became single-phase recently. This study aims at determining
whether there is a relationship in the achievement
of the students regarding biology items in the university
entrance examinations until 1999. Therefore, 1996-1997
ÖSS (Student Selection Examination) and ÖYS (Student
Placement Examination) biology items were administered
to 209 students. These students are the students of preparatory
class, i st, 2nd, 3rd ane' 4th grades of Hacettepe University,
B iology Education Department and also those who
would' partidpate in 1999-university entrance exam. After
determining the achievement rate of the students in ÖSS
and ÖYS, regression analysis was performed and correlation
coefficient was calculated. Consequently, a correlatıon
ranging from r =0.43 to r =
0,72 between the achievement
of the students partidpated in the study in ÖSS and ÖYS
biology items was found out.
Keywords: Student Selection Examination (ÖSS). Student Placement Examination (ÖYS). Correlation betWeen the achı- evement in University Selection Examination and University Placement Examination
Erdal BALCI & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ceren TEKKAYAThe purpose of this study was to develop
and vaJidate an instrument determining the science teachers'
perception about "application of measurement and
evaluation techniques" in high schools. A 2-dimensional,
58 item Likert-type scale was developed by the researchers
and administered to randomly selected 40 high school biology,
chemistry, physics and science teachers, The Scale
consisted of four parts, The first part inc1udes information
related to teachers and their schools, The second part inc1udes
the items related to importance and application of measurement
and evaluation techniques, The third part inc1udes
items determining the how often teachers use different
question types and the ir abiJity to preparing those questions.
The last part of the scale inc1udes free responses about
relevance of measurement and evaluation into the Turkish
Education system, The reliability coefficient was found
to be O,85 for "importance" and O,81 for "application"
dimensions in part two and 0,80 for "application" and 0,88
for "self-esteem" dimensions in part thre
Keywords: Mea,mrement and evaluation, 2-dimensional scale, science education
Doç. Dr. Gülsün Atanur BASKAN & Doç. Dr. Ayhan AYDINThe discussion in this paper is about the
human factor and the function of total quality management
from the point of fundamental problems of the education
system. Total quality management (TQM) can be defined
as an approach toward developing the organizational values,
realizing the cultural transformation and determining
the success standard. In this context, Total Quality
Management is at the center of the professional development
of the teacher; planniııg, research and the improvement
efforts of the educational activities and the development
toward realizing the educational process based on the
guidance. Nowadays new approaches for the solution of the
educational problems are needed. The effective organizational
structure offered by TQM, carries the dynamics
which develop and maintain the school system with it.
Education can be defined as a process to acquire new attitudes
so that the individual can deal with the changes and
transform the existing situaiton to a positive directıon.
Therefore the key concept of continual change and innovation
is Total Quality Management. From this starting point.
to apply Total Quality Management to educational system
is not a choice but rather an inevitable necessity of recent
developments. In summary. in today's management understanding,
the individual-being a measure for everythinghas
acquired a special status. From this point of view TQM
is defined as a philosophy and a democratic management
modeL. For this reason, this paper discusses mainly the situation
and the importance of the individual from the point
of TQM.
Keywords: Education. Total Quality. Management
Dr. Safure BULUT & Öğrt. Sibel KÖROGLUSpatial ability is one of the most important
factors that affects achievement in mathematics and other
areas. In the present study spatial abilities of eleventh grade
students and prospective mathematic~ teachers were
investigated by using card rotation, cube comparison
measuring the spatial orientation ability and paper folding
and surface development tests measuring the spatial
visualisation ability developed by Ekstrom and his
colleagues. As a result of t-test analysis, there was a statisticaııy
significant mean difference çetween eleventh
grade students and prospective mathematics teachers with
respect to spatial ability. According to the result of
MANOV A it was also found that there were statisticaııy
sıgnıficant mean differences between eleventh grade
students and prospective mathematics teachers with respect
to spatial orientation and spatial visualiBationabilities. All
these differences were in the favour of prospective
mathematics teachers. However, prospective teachers'
me an scroes of the tests were quite low
Keywords: Prospective Mathematics Teacher, Eleventh Grade Students, Spatial AbiUty, Spatial Orientation Abilitv, Spatial Visua Usation Abilitv
Arş. Gör. Özlem Sıla ÇakırTeaching method courses are overloaded
with theoretical and idealistic knowledge. Some techniques
are required in an effort to c10se the gap between theoretical
and practical knowledge [1 J. One of the technique that
connects theoretical knowledge into practice is micro-teaching.
It provides exercise in developing teaching skills. lt
is a teaching situation which is scaled down in terms of time
and number of students [2J. The problem of this study
is to define the current status of micro-teaching in Turkish
Education. Population of this study is the teacher educators
who are currently working in three universities of Central
Anatolia as teaching method course teachers. A questionnaıre
was developed in order to take the views and ideas of
method course teachers conceming the status of micro-teachıng
ın Turkey. As a result of this study, researcher offers
some suggestions related to integration of micro-teaching
ınto teacher education programs in Turkey.
Keywords: Micro-teaching, simulation, teaching method.'. teaching skills
Arş. Gör. Yeşim ÇAPA & Nesrin ÇiLThe purpose of this study was to examine
the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards teaching profession
with regard to different variables. The sample
comprised 340 pre-service teachers attending Faculty of
Education, METU in Spring term, 1998. Attitudes of preservice
teachers were investigated with the help of an attitude
scale developed by the researchers. Results showed a
significant difference between like-dislike, respect and selfesteem
scores of boys and girls. There is also a significant
difference with respect to grade level of the students. However,
findings indicated no significant difference with regard
to preference order in university entrance examination.
Keywords: Attitudes towards teaching profession. Likert type attitude scale
Öğr. Gör. Leyla ERCANIn diesem Artikel wird der
Unterricht mit auslaendischen Schülern an deutschen
Grundschulen diskutiert.
Keywords: Grundschule, auslaendische Schüler, Multikulturelle Erziehung.
Res. Ast. Arzu (Özdemir) ERDEMİR, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer GEBAN & Res. Ast. Esen UZUNTİRYAKİThe purpose of this study was to investigate
the misconceptions of freshman students in chemical
equilibrium, In this study, 143 freshman students from
Biology, Biology Education, Physics and Physics
Education Departments in MEl'U took part during 1998-
1999 spring semester. Chemical Equilibrium Concepts Achievement
Test was administered to all subjects, The
results showed that many students had misconceptions
about changing equilibrium conditions. relating rate and
equilibrium and rate vs, extent.
Keywords: Misconcq tion, Chemical Equilibrium, Chemisıry Educarion
Yasar ERSOY & Prof. Dr. Halil ARDAHANThe present pap.~r presents a comparative
study on the achievement and common mistakes of fifteenyear-
old 191 students chosen randomly from the province
of Konya, Turkeyand 109 students from Leeds, the DK in
1996-97 school year about solving a set of operational (manıpulative)
problems and of word problems related to the
integer numbers, in particular nfgative numbers. The means
of grouped data of students "rom Turkeyand the DK
are 55.40 and 66.91 respectively with the ir standard deviations
21.26 and 20.37. The mdians of the same groups
are 52 and 67, and standard errı)r of means are 1.54 and
1.95 respectively. Thus fifteen-y(,ar-olds in Leeds achieved
relatively high mean scores on the word problems with different
contexts. Finally, student,' common mistakes and
errors were listed to give an idea to both mathematics educators
and teachers.
Keywords: Mathematics Education. Word Prohlems, Common Mistakes. Misconceptions
Dr. Ali ERYILMAZ & Prof. Dr. Ali TATLIThis study is il replication study of the
european studies conducted with Turkish university
students. The purposes of this studyare (i) to develop and
validate a test to measure university students' misconceptions
in introductory mechanics, and (ii) to survey METU freshmen
students' misconceptions in introductory mechanics.
The Mechanics Misconception Test that contains 46
Turkish multiple choice items was administered to 946
freshmen studentsas a pretest and to 506 freshmen students
as a post test in introductory nıechanics course. After the
analysis of the questions by des:riptive statistical methods,
students' misconceptions and their percentage were found.
The resultswere analyzed in three categories: i. Aristotelian
physics, 2. Impetus physics, and 3. Interpretingthe graphs.
Aristotelian physics was analyzed in three categories;
l.Ideal versus real systems, 2. Motion implies force, and 3.
Force is directly proportional to velocity rather than
acceleration. In Impetus physics, lİnear impetus was analyzed.
In the interpreting the graphs, discriminating between the
slope and height of a position versus time graph was
analyzed. The descriptions of these misconceptions, the ir
percentages, and comparison with the studies done in other
countries were discussed in detai
Keywords: Misconceptions, Aristotelian physics, lmpetus physics. Physics achievement.
Dr. Aysel KÖKSALThe research was conducted to find
out the impact of sex and class level on empathic skills and
adjustment of adolescents getting or not getting education
in music. Research samples were 206 adolescents, "Emphatic
Skill Inventory-B Form" and "Hacettepe Personality
Inventory" were used as data collection instrnments, Statisticaly
the data were evaluated by using "Two Way Analysis
of Variance" and "Correlation Coefficient Significant
Test". As a conclusion; the effect of getting or not getting
musical education, sex and class level were not found significant
on the empathic skill score of the adolescents
(P>O,05). Whether or not getting musical education on individual
and general adjustment scores while sex only on
individual adjustment scores of the adolescents caused significant
differences (P
Keywords: Musical educalion, empathic skill, individual adjustment, social adjustment, general adjustment.
Doç. Dr. Meltem ÖZTURAN, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Birgül EGELİ & Öğr. Gör. Osman DARCANDistance educatian takes place when a
teacher and student(s) are seperated by physical distance.
Nowadays. research related to the usage of computer
networks in distance educatian have been widespread
throughout the world. The study that is subject to this paper
consists of the research carried out with the aim of using
computer network s as an educational tool for distance
education in Turkish universities and its results. In this
study, control and experiment groups have been formed for
two different courses and two techniques of distance
education using computer networkf have been applied to
experiment groups where the classical education technique
has been used for control groups. The results obtained
show that there is no significant difference between the
techniques in terms of the results of student assessments
but computer networks based distance education should be
supported with multimedia tools and should be in concert
with face-to-face communication.
Keywords: Distance Education, Computer NetWorks, Multimedia
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin SALİHOGLU & Arş. Gör. Ayalp TALUNDer Aufsatz behandelt die
vermittlung der fremdsprachlichen Literatur im DaF - Unterricht
an den Universitaten unter Berücksichtigung des
fremdkulturellen Gehaltes von Texten. Von der diesbezüglichen
Theorie der Wissenschaft und Lehre ausgehend werden
vier themengleiche Gedichte aus verschiedenen Epochen
der dt. Literatur untersucht. Dabei werden neben dem
kultureilen Hintergrund die sprachlichen, grammatikalischen
und formalen Besonderheiten der Texte vergleichend
analysiert. Um den fremdsprachlichen Text zu verstehen,
wird zum Schluss versucht, die Fantasie des Lehrers bzw.
des Lemers anzuregen.
Keywords: Literaturdidaktik, Text, FSU, Kulturvermittlung, Lyrik, Stil.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nilgün SEÇKEN & Prof. Dr. F.İnci MORGİLFeeding is using the foods for growing,
cantinuing the life and keeping health. Feeding is the head
of people's needs. the first purpose of the person, family
and the society is being healthy and producer. Feeding also
affects the development of c1evemess. In our country less
and unbalanced feeding is one of the most important problem
especially for the growing children. Although feeding
values that are the needs of orgarıism for every ages are investigated
in many researches, nowadays, because of different
reasons whether we are feeding in balance or not is still
not known.
In om analyse the subject of whether young people in
lise level are feeding in balance or not and whether theyare
given enough information by books and educators or not, is
researched and the roles of Science Educators are discussed
in this loop
Keywords: Balanced and enough feeding, food, food educaıion
Prof.Dr. Haluk SORAN, Prof.Dr. F. İnci MORGİL, Yrd.Doç.Dr.Seda YÜCEL, Yrd.Doç.Dr.Esin ATAV & Arş.Gör. Serap IŞIKEspecially after the Industrial Revolution
in parallel with technological development, the necessity of
taking international precautions against the man - made environmental
problems has been understood only by 1970's,
and in many countries of the world concrete studies has been
made for the solution of environmental problems and
necessary legal changes has been carried out. Although some
legal changes about enviromental protection are also
carried out ın our country, in the realisation of these, there
are some duties and responsilities that are to be taken by all
members of the community. Since the protection of envimnment
is only realised with the inforrning and education
of individuals, especially the education of individuals who
are in a school system has great importance. This study has
been experimented on 222 students from the preperation I..
2.,3. and 4. classes from Biology Teacher Profession Department,
Faculty of Education University of Hacettepe to
determine the interest and the amount of the knowledge
that university students have. An investigation including
questions about environmental problems has been applied
on students. The result of the assessment shows that the
students many of who are at the last step of the organised
education do not have adequate knowledge about environment
and the students attending preperation classes even
have less knowledge then the others. A comparison made
between chemistry students and biology students has
shown that, the knowledge of biology students about envimnment
is much more than that of the chemistry students
Keywords: nvironmental Educarion. Protection olEnvironment, The Knowledge Level ol University Students AboU/ Environment
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ceren TEKKAYA , Arş. Gör. Yeşim ÇAPA & Arş. Gör. Özgül YILMAZThe aims of this study were to determine
misconceptions conceming general biology concepts held
by prospective teachers and to determine possible reasons
of these misconceptions by interviewing with instructors.
In this study, General Biology Misconception Test, consisting
of 33 questions, was used and administered to 186
prospective teachers. Content of the Test included basic biology
concepts such as ecology, plant biology, digestive
system, respiration, excretory system, enzyme, diffusion
and osmosis, cell division, classification and food web.
Analysis of results showed that prospective teachers had
considerable degree of misconceptions conceming basic
concepts in biology.
Keywords: Misconceptions, biology education, prospective teachers
Prof. Dr. Z. Fulya TEMEL The research was carried out to
determine the relationships between different
variables and attitudes toward integration of nursery
teachers. Research sample was totaly 118
nursery teachers. The questionaire which is prepared
by researcher were used as data colletion
instrumenL The questionare was composed as
including opinions about special education, integration
and integration process. Data were tested
via analysis of x2. Findings revealdet significant
relation between attitudes toward integration
and getting or not getting special education
course (p::50.05). Attitudes toward special eduacation
were noL Results also indicate that there
were not relations amnog professional experience,
teaching experience with handicapped, age
and the precence of handicapped child in the family,
with attitudes toward integration (p>Q.05).
In the study, interpretations conceming findings
and suggestions were presented.
Keywords: ntegration, attitudes. nurcery teachers
Assoc Prof. Dr. Semra ÜNAL The purpose of this study was how the best
environment can be created for optimum performance of
the technical education. During these study i visited the career
centers in Coumbus Ohio, i have visited all the departments
of the schools and seen their environment. And i have
made interview with the school presidents or with the
school supervisors about the general situation of the school,
the success level of the students, the physical conditions
and its environment and their needs for the future improvements
of their schools. In the study, an questioner was developed
to collect the data. The questioner were applied to
40 teachers.
According to the results; usually the teachers working
in the schools are mostly experienced and have a good level
of knowledge in their fields. Most of the teachers have
the experience of industrial areas. The suceess level in career
centers are extremely high. The schools are also well
equipment. In vocational and technological education its
importantto motivate the students and let them learn subject
during practiee. The teaeher can inerease the suceess
level of the studentsby choosing the proper method of teachıng
for different environments.
Keywords: Technical Education, environment, team teachıng.
Doç. Dr. İbrahim YILDIRIMIn this study, to what extent variables such
as loneliness, test anxiety, family support, peer support,
and teacher support predicting academic acheivement of
high school students were examined. The sample of the
study included totally 545 high school students(280 female,
265 male). The mean of grades of Turkish Language,
Mathemathics, Physics, Chemistry, andBiology was considered
as the criterion of academic acheivement. The Turkish
Form of University of California Los Angeles Loneliness
Scale (UCLA), The Turkish Form of Test Anxiety Inventory
(TAI), Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS)-
High School Form were administredin this study. The data
were analyzed by Regression technique. According to
the findings, teacher support, family support, loneliness,
and test anxiety predicted academic acheivement of high
school students significantly. However, peer support did
not predict academic acheivement significantly. The findings
were discussed in the light of related literature, and
some suggestion were made.
Keywords: Academic acheivement, loneliness, test anxiety, ,wcial support
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayhan YILMAZ, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Esin ATAV, Arş. Gör. Seçil ERÖKTEN & Prof. Dr. F. İnci MORGİLThis study is about the chemistry items that
were used in both i 997 and 1998 Student Selection Examination
(ÖSS) and Studem Placement Examination (ÖYS).
These items were administered to 183 students of Hacettepe
University, Faculty of Education, Chemistry Education
branch and to 31 high school seni or students of Atatürk
Anadolu High School who would participate in 1999 Studem
Selection Examination. They replied the chemistry
items used in two examination. Af ter determining their achievement
rate in ÖSS and in ÖYS, regression analysis was
carried out and also correlation coeffient was cakulated. A
correlation ranging from r= 0.37 to r= 0.58 was found between
their achievement in ÖSS chemistry items and ÖYS
chemistry items
Keywords: Student Selection Examination (ÖSS). Studem Placement Examination (ÖYS), Correlation between the achievement in ÖSS chemistry items and the achievement in ÖYS.
Arş. Gör. Nejla YÜRÜK & Arş. Gör. Özlem S. ÇAKIRReview of literature conceming aerobic
and anaerobic respiration has shown that high school students
have many misconceptions about these concepts. In
order to detect students' misconceptions, a diagnostic test
was developed. The test was administered to 67 ninth grade
and 56 tenth grade students. Validity and reliability of
the test was investigated by item analysis, factor analysis
and table of specification. Moreover, validity of the test
was supported by examining the relationship between students'
personnel information and achievement received
from the test. Lastly, misconceptions were determined by
ca!culating the percentages of the students choosing the altematives
of the test.
Keywords: Misconception, diagnostic test, aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Türkiye'de Ortaöğretim Kurumlarında Biyoloji Öğretiminin Değerlendirilmesi
Melek YAMAN & Haluk SORANKeywords: Secondary Schools, Biology Education, Education Methods and Techniques, The Aims of Biology Education