- (15), 1999
Doç. Dr. Neriman ARALThe research was carried out to determine
the effects of variables such as arts education, sex, grade
and art education branch on creativity dimensions of the
adolescents getting or not getting art education. Research
samplc was totally 191 adolescents, 80 of which attending
University of Hacettepe Ankara State Conservatory and
i II of which attending Private Arı High SchooL. "Torrance
Creative Thinking Test" and "General Information
Form" were used as data collection instruments. The data
collected were analysed by "Analysis of Variance" and
"Duncan Test". As a result of the research, it has been determined
that getting or not getting art education, grade,
art educatian grade interaction and art educatian branch
caused a significant difference on the creativity dimensions
O.05). In the study, interpretations
concerning the findings and suggestions were presented.
Keywords: Creativiıy, arts educaıion
Doç. Dr. Aylanur ATAKLIThis study aims at investigating the
school deputy principals' views on the following topics:
1-Their authority level regarding their tasks. 2-The variation
in the authority of the school deputy principals in different
schools. 3-The activities performed by them frequently.
4-Self-assessment and the ways of gaining experience.
5-Their assessment of the school principals. The participants
of the studyare 150 deputy principals from central
districts of Ankara. However, data gathered from 122 subjects
were used. The subjects of the study were randomly
selected. Frequencies, arİtmetical means, standartdeviations
of the data gathered through the survey questionnaire.
The relation between the responses and the subjects' gender
was analysed using t tests. And some suggestions regarding
the topic are offered.
Keywords: School deputy principal, school principal, leader, authority, task, experience,
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Esin ATAV & Prof. Dr. F. İnci MORGİLEntering the higher education institutions
has been made by the Student Selection and PJacement
Center (ÖSYM) through central entrance examinations
since 1974. Since the capacity of the higher education institutions
is limited, it is necessary to employ a "selective"
system passing from the secondary education to the higher
education. At this point is the fact that how weıı the test
items aiming at testing the students abilities and knowledge
gained at the secondary education level contribute to
this "selection" process. This study evaIuates the test items
on biology employed in the university entrance examinations
from i 974 to i 997 in terms of their content distribution
and their conformity with the secondary education biology
curriculum and also with the reJated textbooks. Also
the test items employed in the single phase entrance examination
and those employed in the double phase entrance
examination have been compared. Although the test items
on bioJogy seem to overlap with the secondary education
curriculum, it has appeared that some certain topics have
been addressedmore frequently and that those biology test
items employed in the first phase of the university entrance
examinationrequirehigher affective skills.
Keywords: Student Selection and Placement Center Examinations (ÖSS and ÖYS). Biological Education and ÖSYM Biology Questions.
Dr. Cemil AYDOĞDUIn our age of developing science and technology,
the progress of society is possible with attaintment
and development of constructive, creative and critical abiiity
or thought. Fundemental science has made inıportant
conıributions to most of technological and scientific development.
Chemistry is the most significant branch among
aıı pusitive sciences in affecting the standard of sociallife,
The student participates learning actively by doing and observing
experiments in the laboratory, The findings of this
research undertaken to ascertain the difficuJties that the
students face with in the laboratory work can be summarized
as; the contents of practical and theoretical courses are
dillerent, time period scheduled for laboratory work is insufficient,
the students lack knowledge during experimental
studies and there is alsa inadequate teaching assistarıtship
Keywords: Science Education, Chemistry Education, Chemistry Education in the Laboratory
Dr. Ali ER YILMAZ & Prof. Dr. Ali TATLIThe purpose of this study is to find out the
factors affecting students' achievement in introductory
mechanics by employing the Factorial Modeling (FaM)
procedure by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
(SPSS) program. The subjects were 30 preservice
physics teachers at Middle East Technical University (METU).
Data were collected from Mechanics Diagnostic test,
Science Logic test, and the information in the students' files
at the METU registration office. This study had seven
variates; (i) students' preconceptions, (ii) students' cognitive
levels, (iii) students' science score in University Entrance
Examination (UEE), (iv) students' Lycee Certificate
scores, (v) students' Cumulative General Point Average
(CGPA) in the University, (vi) students' mathematics achievement,
and (vii) students' mechanics achievement. Bivariate
correlations were computed for all pairs of variates,
and a causal model of students' achievement in an introductory
mechanics course was devised. The FaM procedure
resulted in three variables named (i) Newtonian physics
covering first three variates, (ii) Science Experience covering
the fourth and fifth variates, and (iii) Mathematics aptitude
covering the sixth variate. These three variables explained
62 percent of variances in the students' mechanics
achievement scores (the criterion variate).
Keywords: Physics Achievement, Factorial Modeling, and Causal Model.
Dr. Işık GÜRŞİMŞEKTeacher-student interaction and teacher
expectancy phenomenon is investigateJ in this study in relation
to student perceptions. The Teacher Treatment lnventory(TTI)
was conducted to 311 4th grade elementary
students.The subjects were questioned about how their teachers
would behave toward "hypothetical low and high
achievers" in their classroom. Following the first application,
the perceptions of the students in the classmoms defined
as "high / low differentiating" were investigated. The
results show that students perceive differentiating teacher
behaviors toward hypothetical high and low achievers. In
classmoms where students reported a greater differential
treatmenttoward high and low achievers, students'perceptions
of their teachers' expectations about themselves were
more closely related to teacher expectations. The results
are discussed in relation to the theoretical framework and
in terms of practical application
Keywords: Teacher Expectancy Eftect. classroom interaction process. teacher-student relation.
Doç. Dr. M. Ruhi KÖSEOne of the most significant problems
which has been experienced in the Turkish Educational
System after 1970's is the student supply and demand gap
between the secondary and higher educational institutions.
Number of the lycee graduates who could not enter the
universities has been raised from 12550 in 1970 to 392712
in 1995. Achievement level of the students in the university
entrance examinations is daimed to be related to the
type of lycee which the students are graduating from, and
as a result, to show variation as depending on the type
of their lycee graduation. This studyaimed at testing the
scientific validity of this daim The purpose of this study is
to investigate the variations in verbal and numerical aility,
Turkish, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history,
geography, philosophy and foreign language achievement
levels, along with the Student Success and Placement
ratios of six type of Iycees as depending on 1995 Student
Selectian and Pacement Examination in Turkey. Findings
of the study indicated that all the selected dependent variables
show significant variation as depending on the type
of the Iycee which the students are being graduated from.
Moreover, results of this study indicated that the variations
in numerical ability, math and science achievement are
more meaningful and significant than the variations in verbalbility,
Turkish and social science achievement, in transitionfrom
secondary to higher education in Turkey.
Keywords: ype of lycee, academic ahility and achievement, SSE success, SPE and Total palcement ratios.
Dr. A. SARIÇOBAN & Dr. F. Yalçın TILFARLIOĞLUThis studyaimed to determine the attitude
of the teachers to the communicative-learner centered approach
in foreign language teaching process. For the purpose
of the study, an attİtude scale was administered to the
teachers to get their opinions on the issue. The results were
computed in percentages. it was observed that in general,
teachers had favourable attitudes towards this issue discussed.
Besides, some recommendations were made for the
language teachers on this approach.
Keywords: Communicative Approach. Leamercentered. Attitude
Yrd.DoçDr. Nilgün SEÇKEN, Prof.Dr. F. İnci MORGİL, Arş.Gör. Seçil ERÖKTEN, Arş.Gör. Oya Remziye ERDEM & Arş.Gör. Işıl ÇAĞLAYANGÖLLecturing the subjects contained in the
High School Chemistry Curriculum and putting them into a form that can be understood by the studentswhile attaining
their being permanentwithout performing any experiment
is arather difficult task. With the purposeof supporting
the theoretic explanations by actualy making the implementations
in practice, for the subject of courses in IX, X
and XI classes, in the high school, the studentexperiments
that has to be done, are aıready determined and some of
these trails are insufficient while some have limited laboratory
means. Therefore it is determined these experiments
are not done at alı. Especially, in currentdays, since it wiII
make a contributionto the environmentalprotectionwhich
is a topic in agenda, some of the experiments are being done
by using matter at micro and semi micro base with
hardware that is called mini laboratorywhich is containing
miniature tools and fixtures. Furthermore, to have High
School Chemistry cirriculums to be better understood,new
experimental proposals are prepared and again, for certain
experiments, it is proven that, the miniature tools and fixtures
are feasible to use.
Keywords: High School Chemistry Lesson Curriculum, Student Experiments in Chemistry, Miniature Tools and Fixtures.
Mustafa ŞAHİN & Yaşar ÖZBAYThe purpose of this study is to investigate
the perceived empathic classroom atmosphere of the teachers
in a college setting, as the various subject area teachers
are perceived in a humanistic or non humanisticperspective.
The sample of the study is reeruited from three
main branches of Science, Social Studies, and Fine Arts
Education in College of Edueation at Karadeniz Teknik
University, the total sample size of 480. From the findings,
there is a difference among Scienee, Social studies
and Art teachers in terms of their intraelassroomattitudes
toward students. Data analysis was done with ANOV A
and t-test. As the results revealed, fine art teachers are more
inclined to show empathy-oriented attitudes toward students
than Science and Social Studies. Students who are
successful have more tendencies of pereeiving their teacher
as humanistic. Female students were found to be
perceiving intraclassroom atmosphere more empathic or
humanistic than the male counterparts.The results are discussed
with the earlier findings, and relevant recommendation
as well as furtherresearch directions are given
Keywords: Empathy, Empathic Classroom Atmosphere, intraclassroom Communication, Person Centered Education.
Melek TARAKÇI, Senem HATİPOĞLU, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ceren TEKKAYA & Doç. Dr. M. Yaşar ÖZDENThe aim of the study is to determine the
misconceptions of the ninth and eleventh grade college
students in diffusian and osmasis concepts by using twotier
diagnostic test, developed by Odom and Barrow [31].
The first tier examined content knowledge while the second
tier examined understanding of that knowledge.
The test consisted of 12 multiple choice items and was administered
to 108 college students (56 ninth grade and 52
eleventh grade, respectively). The students participating
in the study had completed the unit on diffusian and osmosis.
Each item was analyzed to determine student understanding
of, and identify misconceptions about diffusian
and osmasis. While eleventh grade students selected the
desired answer combination in the range of 15.4%-
96.2%, this range was reduced to 8.9% - 85.7% in the case
of 9th grade students. Mareaver, 10.8% - 87.5% of
9th and 1.9% -44% of the II th grades had no understanding
of concepts. The analysis of the results revealed that
9th grade students had more misconceptions related to diffusian
and osmasis and greater difficulties in understanding
these concepts than II th grade students
Keywords: Misconceptions, osmosis, diffussion, two - tier diagnostic test.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Behiye UBUZ & Prof. Dr. Petek AŞKARThe purpose of this study was to investigate
the current state of the mathematics education community
in Turkey with respect to research studies and
staff The sampk of the study included six universities in
different parts of Turkey. Two questionnaires developed
by the researchers were used in the study.
According to the findings of this research, although
the number of researchers in mathematics education is not
sufficient, there is an increase in their numbers in the last
few years
Keywords: Mathematics education community
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayhan YILMAZ & Prof. Dr. F. İnci MORGİLDevelopment of a country and being a
modern industrial country requires scientific and technical
work forl'e, Interpreting technological developments in
daily life demands abasic science education in general and
abasic chemistry education in particular. In basic, this
way, individuals could understand the importance of science
and theyare motivated to improve themselves after recognizing
its influence on life. In Turkey, the chemistry
education is provided by the Science - Letters- Engineering
Faculties and by the Chemisty Education Departments
of the Education Faculties. Science education is provided
in these institutions both theoretically and experimentally.
Experiment - based education contributes to students scientific
process skills and they could acquire sensitive behaviour
to the events around them and it improves their
skiJIs such as comprehending scientific concepts, memorizing
them and scientific thinking. Practical instruction teaches
them to work in safe conditions. In order to determine
whether the science education provides studenls the necessary
knowledge about working in safe conditions, a
survey questionnaire was administered to the students of
Hacettepe University, the Education Faculty, Chemistry
Education Section. It questioned the existing conditions of
the laboratories that they employed and also their views regarding
safe working were sought. It is concluded that the
students surveyed do not have prequisite knowledge before
practising and before making experiments. Thus, additional
practices seem to be required to make them familiar
with safe working conditions in the laboratories.
Keywords: Safe study in laboratory studies, human health and environmental protection.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim YILDIRIMIn this study, psychological symptoms of
Turkish married individuals who have be en living in Germany
in 1996 were examined. The sample of the study
inclued totally 1154 Turkish married individuals (557 women,
597 men). The psychological symptoms of the Turkish
married individuals have been measured by Symptom
Check List (SCL-90-R) developed by Derogatis (1977),
and the personal information of the Turkish married individuals
have been colJected through a questionnaire developed
by the researcher himself. The data were analyzed
by the t Test. The most frequent 25 psychological
symptoms of the Turkish married individuals who have been
living in Germany were determined. The most of these
psychological symptoms are connected with OC, SOM,
AI, DEP, INT, HOS and PAR; but not with ANX, PHOB
and PSY. The findings are discussed and some suggestions
are made.
Keywords: Turkish married individuals, psychological symploms
Ufuk YILDlRIM & Dr. Ali ERYILMAZThe study described in this paper attempted
ta investigate the cambined and individual effects af
certain variables (gender, cagnitive develapment and saciaeco.namic
status (SES» an physics achievemenL We used
a physics achievement test, lagical thinking ability test and
a saciaecanamic status questiannaire ta assess 35 high
schaal secand grade students' physics achievement, cagnitive
level and saciaecanamic level. We used Multiple Regressian
and Carrelatian Analysis (MRC) for analyzing data
abtained from thase tests. The analysis af data revealed
that male students generally gat higher scores in physics
than female students. The cagnitive level af students did
nat affect their scare an achievement test. Saciaecanamic
level af the students shawed significant effect an their
physics achievement.
Keywords: Physics Achievement, Cognitive Development. Socioeconomic Status, and Gender.
Safure BULUT, Celil EKİCİ & Aykut İNAN İŞERİProbability concepts are not taught effectively
in most of the countries aıı over the world and in our
country because of many reasons. One of them is the lack
of appropriate teaching materials. In this study, the information
on how to develop activity sheets on probability is
given. In addition, activity sheet on teaching of probability
of the occurence of mutuaııy exclusive events is going to
given as a sample.
Keywords: Probability. teaching material, activity sheet.
Arş. Gör. Özlem S. ÇAKIR & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ceren TEKKAYAScience can provide humanity with
knowledge about the biophysical environment and the social
behaviors needed to develop effective solutions to humanity's
local and global problems. Every day, people face
with many problems, such as pollution, health problems,
and family crises. it is essential that schools and teachers
provide students with meaningful opportunities to
help them solve problems. As a science educator, our
most important goals are to teach children to be abIe to
overcome real life problems. Therefore, we'd like to research
how to assist students in developing skills to enable
them to solve these problems. This research will focus on
problem-based leaming and its integration into science
education. Specifically, this paper will answer the following
questions: What is problem-based learning? How
was problem-based leaming organized? What are the advantages
and disadvantages related to the use of problembased
learning? How can it be integrated into science instruction
Keywords: Prohlem-based learning, prohlem- hased learning curriculum, instructional methods. science education
Prof. Dr. Haluk SORAN, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Esin ATAV & Doç. Dr. Necdet SAĞLAMStickstoif kommt in den
Haluk SORAN* Esin ATAV** Necdet SAGLAM***
verschiedenen Umweltbereichen in teilweise unterschiedlichen
Formen vor. Je nach Erscheinungsform
und Medium ergeben sich verschiedenartige, negative
oder positive Auswirkungen, z. B.: Stickstoifverbindungen
beeintriichtigen die Gewiisserqua1itiit. Ganz
allgemein stellt Stickstoif einen Nahrstoif dar und
begüIıstigt die Gewiissereutrophierung. Nitrit (NOn
und Ammoniak (NH3) sind giftig für Fİsche und dabei
vor allem in kleineren Fliessgewiissem problematisch;
Ammonium (NH/) aus der Luft triigt zur Versauerung
der Böden; Nitrat (N03") im Trinkwasser kann bei
Kleinkindern Blausucht und Bildung von cancerogene
Nitrosamine verursachen; Stickoxide (NOx) sind an
der Ozonbildung in der Troposphiire (=erdnahe
Luftsichten) beteiligt und Pt1anzen schiidigt; Lachgas
(N20) triigt bei zwn Treibhauseffekt und zum
stratosphiirischen üzonabbau; Ammonium und Nitrat
wirken im Boden als Dünger und fördem das
Keywords: N-Verbindungen, Stickstoflkreislauf, Nitrosamine, Saurer Regen, Eutrophierung.
Prof. Dr. Gülten ÜLGENThe objective of this paper is to infarın
teachcrs about the "Individual and Group Activities Hours"
which take place in developed curriculumof primary
schools. For this reason, abilities and/ortendencies of students
and self concept are explained ın the context of development,
heredity and experiences. In order to assist teacher
for application, the cIues are presented.
Keywords: Development, Tendensies, Self concept, hereditv, experiences.
Nilay TALUThe aim of this paper is to introduce the
Theory of Multiple lntelligences and implications on education.
In this theory, individuals have not only linguistic
and logical-mathematical, but also spatial, musical, bodilykinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonaland naturalisticintelligences.
For this reason, educators should notice that all
eight intelligences in their instruction,There are too many
curricular interpretationsof the theory of multiple intelligence.
None of these adaptations is more correct than any
others. Teachers apply the theory in the way they consider
the most appropriate for their students, school, and community.
Keywords: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Linguistic intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Spatial intelligence, Musical intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Naturalistic intelligence, curriculum Development, Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nazmiye TOPÇUSince idioms are very importantin the teaching
of foreign languages, a comparative analysis of the
French and Turkish idioms with numbers has been made
in this study. After defining the idioms and drawing attention
to the restrictions, the underlying cosmic meanings of
the numbers (besides their aritmetic values) and whether
there are arbitrary relationships between the referents and
the references have been studied. Furthermore, the numbers
frequently used in both languages and whether there
are similarities in the meaning contents they have in both
languages have also been searched. Upon reaching the findings
of this contrastive analysis and studying the selection
of the idioms according to the similarities they employ,
the practicality in their teaching and their grammaticality,
it has been understood that the contextual approach and
the contrastive-translationapproach have been considered
as the most effective language teaching methods
Keywords: idioms and numbers, French and Turkish idioms, teaching of the idioms
Prof. Dr. F. İnci MORGİL & Doç. Dr. Ayhan YILMAZSocieties need qualitified people if they
are to comply with the age. A realistic and functional educational
system is required and also it must be given importance
and investment should be directed toward education
if the aim is to educate individuals competent in all
areas. Different countries in terms of their government
type agree on the fact that the mostrealistic and appropriate
investmentis one that is directed to individuals, Education
regardless its level has parallel implications with the
teachers. In other words, quality and success of any educational
system depend upon the quality and success of teachers.
Since i982 the education departments,in Turkey, are
responsible for teachertrainingoTherefore science teachers
(biology, physics and chemistry) have been trained by the
education departments,and the graduates have been assigned
to basic education schools and high schools. A science
teacher is one who makes his students familiar with their
life and also makes them informed about the importanceof
science, In this way students acquire general knowledge
about life. A good science teacher knows the concept of
science, how our environmentis made up of, and comprehends
how it develops dearly. Review of related literature
and suggestion of constructive recommendationswill contribute
to the qualified science teachers
Keywords: Science Education. Science Teaching, Teacher Training, Review of Literature