- (13), 1997
Assist. Prof. Dr. Berrin BURGAZThe aims of this paper are to present the
Managerial Roles Approach which is one of the ways used
in analysing managerial work; to offer the results of Henry
Mintzberg's outstanding study in which he analysed the
managerial work by using the descriptive research method
and stmctured observation technique; to exhibit same findings
of empirical studies carried out in the field of educational
administration with the same method and technique
Keywords: Managerial Roles Approach, The WorkActivity School, Managerial work
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yüksel KAVAKUniversal roles of the universities in regional
development and presenting the findings of a research
related to regional experiences of the universities in
Priority Regions for Development (PRD) of Turkey constitute
the issue of this paper. In the first section, the
changing functions of the universities in about their millennium
history of development and their roles in regional
development policies in some OECD countries are reviewed.
In the second section, the historical development
of regional universities, their regional functions in Higher
Education Act No. 2547 and some practices of regional universities
are presented. In the third section, findings of a
research providing the evaluation of the administrators of
higher education institutions and occupation chambers
about the external activities (applied research, non-formal
education, counselling, publication and health services) of
the universities in PRD are summarised. In the last section,
measures required for the improvement of the regional activities
of the regional universities in Turkeyare presented.
Keywords: University, higher education, regional functions of universities, regional development, Turkey.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nezahat GÜÇLÜThe primary purpose of this paper is to
discuss perspectives on international students and the approaches
to the understanding the context of international
student flow to higher educational institutions of "developed
countries." These issues have been investigated
from individual, social, economic and political perspectives.
The first, i reviewed the historical perspectives of international
studyand international student movements across
national boundaries. A considerable amount of research
was done in the 1960s in the international student migration.
The researches focused on issues related to crosscultural
experiences and the impact of the migration, both
on the students and on the nations affected by the phenomenon.
Until recently it was believed that the individual
students, the home countries, and the host countries could
all benefit, if policies relating to international study provided
selected students with a well-designed educational
experience. But in the 1980s, international study has become
to be seen as being fraught with complex and negative
outcomes and is often associated with cultural dependency,
cultural imperialism and cultural alienation.
In the past-war period, developing countries, the government
leaders and elites have adopted three influential
perspectives, Modernization theory, Human Capital theory,
and Screening Hypothesis, on economic development in
framing their educational policies. They have chosen, as
foundations of their national development, a qualitative
transformation of their societies along the lines of Westem
science and technology and a rapid quantitative expansion
of educational opportunities. They see education as an important
factor in helping them move from a "traditional" towards
a "modern" economy. Unfortunately, the impressive
claims about the quantitative and qualitative gains of education,
expressed in the theories of education and development,
have had drastic effects upon the Third World
Keywords: International Study, International Student, Transnational Student Mobility, Students of Migratron, Higher Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ata TEZBAŞARANThis study is related to psyehometrie properties
of a Likert type seale. This investigation is especially
related to frequently used validation procedure. "Is it possible
to obtain a final scale with one dimension (faetor) using
traditional unidimensional item seleetion proeedures?"
Results were diseussed and some comments were made
Keywords: attitudes, likert seales, validity, construet validity, factor analysis
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Aysun UMAYIn this study, the changes, which occured
when multiple-choice testing were asked as open-ended
testing in mathematics, were examined. This research is a
qualitative study. A multiple-choice test with 26 items and
open-ended problems which placed in the multiple choice
test were given to responsed.. Answers (2600 item) were
compared to each other . Results of this study showed that
when multiple-choice testing was asked as open-ended
testing in mathematics, structural changes have occured in
behaviours of the respondents. Besides, there were no differences
between the results of these two types of tests on
validity and reliability. However, when wrong answers in
open-ended tests were grouped according to their types,
errar types had a structural characteristics
Keywords: Measurement in mathematics, Multiplechoice-test, Open-ended-test, Essay test, Validity and Reliability.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülter OskayIn this paper the meaning and integrity of
career and personal counseling is discussed emphasizing
the fact that career and personal problems are inextricably
intertwined and therefore should not be dealt with separately.The
processes of career and personal counseling have
much in common.An eclectic career counseling model may
be useful because the counselor is free to choose from a
wide variety of theories and techniques. Implications for
training the counselors and practicing career counseling
are also discussed .
Keywords: Career counseling ,personal counseling, meaning, integrity.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Filiz BİLGEThe aim of this research was to find out
the expression of anger and trait anger of Hacettepe University
students according to some variables. The subjects
of the study were 297 students of Department of Educationa!
Sciences. The Trait Anger and Anger-Expression Inventory
was administered. For statistical analysis t test and
ANOVA were utilized. As a result, students who perceived
their fathers' attitude as democratic have signiHcantly lower
anger-in than those who perceived their fathers as authoritarian,
protective and unstable. No significant difference
was found in trait anger, anger-in, anger-out and in the control of anger respecting the other variables.
Keywords: Trait Anger, Anger-Expression, Anger-in, Anger-out, .Anger-control.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim YILDIRIMIn this study, Perceived Social Support
Scale which is developed for Turkish population is introduced.
In this pilot study, the reliability and validity data
are presented. The Cronbach Alpha of 'the Perceived Social
Support Scale (PSSS) is 0.93. The validity coefficient
between PSSS and Social Support Scale for Children and
Adolescents developed by Harter is 0.69. Later, PerceivedSocial
Support Scale's usage is discussed and some suggestions
are made
Keywords: Social support
Tülay ÜSTÜNDAĞThis article discusses the advantages of
using drama as a method of education in elementary schools.The
article consists of five main parts:definition of
drama, drama in education, the advantages of using drama
in elementary schools, current situation and recommendations.
The first part can be divided into two
sub-groups: the importance of drama and forms of drama.
The second part deals with drama in schools in general
and drama in elementary schools. In the third part the advantages
of using drama in elementary schools are discussed.
One of them is self actualization and the other one
is personal or emotional development. In the fourth part is
current situation in drama. Finally the last part is recommendations.
Keywords: Drama, elementary school, advantages of using drama, method.'
Buket Akkoyunlu & Jean D.M. UnderwoodThe Turkish Government has placed great
emphasis on the importance of Information technology
(IT) to the Turkish Economy. This emphasis on IT was the
stimulus for a pilot project.
This paper presents an evaluation of the research framework
chosen to evaluate that pilot project. Checkland's
soft systems methodology was used as the therotical framework
for the research as it is specifically designed toaccamodate
complex human activity systems. The framework
proved less than adequate, however, because it has underlying
assumptions which cauld not be met in the Turkish
Keywords: Checkland's soft systems methodology, Information technology.
Doç. Dr. Neriman Aral & Dr. Yaşare AktaşThis research was conducted to determine
the time spent for watching television and other activities
during the week and weekends by the children attending
fourth and Hfth grades of primary schools located at various
socio-economical level districts. Also, whether or not
the time spent on those activities were related to the factors
such as time, age, sex, socio-economical levels. To
total 103 subjects forms containing the activity types for
two week days and two weekend days, were given and
they wrote all of their activities except sleep. For each activities
data was collected for every child and average minutes
per day for the week and for the weekend were acounted.
With those activity periods, the relation of variables
such as sex, socio-economical level and age was evaluated
by variance analyse method. At the end of the research it
was found out that children spent more time on watching
Yaşare Aktaş..
television, and lesser time on listening to the music, drawing
and handicrafts. Also, weekend activities were taken
more time. Sex, socio-economicallevels and age did not effect
the activity periods. Subjects attending fifth grade
spend more time on studing than the fourth grades
Keywords: Watching television, time spend for the activities.
Arş. Gör. Celal BAYRAKThis paper presents the results of investigations
of the precompound exciton model in the
(n,nı) reactions. This model have been applied us six nucleus
in the atomie number range A?!. 55-209 and energy
region En= 1-14 MeV. The cakulated results have be en
found to be consistent with experimentally observed data
Keywords: (n, nı) reactions, precompound (preequilibrium), exciton model
Prof. Dr. Yaşar ERSOYOne of the necessary requirement for becoming
information society is the setting of the effective
and efficient environment for teaching/learning of mathematics
in the schools and other institutions of education.
In this context, the reason for becoming literate in mathematics
is explained, and the requirement for the supply
of necessary, sufficient and continuous resource is then
Keywords: Information society, Mathematics edutation, Literacy in mathematics, Teaching/ learning environment.
Einfluss der frau auf die selbstverwirklichung der helden in Hermann Hesse's romanen "Demian" und "Siddhartha"
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayten GENÇHermann Hesse (1877-1962)
behandelt in seinen Romanen hauptsachlich die Themen
der Selbstverwirklichung oder der Selbstvernichtung,worin
er das Individium in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Das Individium
befindet sich standig in einem ProzeB der Menschwerdung.
In diesem ProzeB bildet sich entweder die Persönlichkeit
allmahlich heraus (in diesem Falle v6llendet es den ProzeB
der Selbstverwirklichung ), oder es gerat in einen unüberwindbaren,
inneren Konflikt (in diesem Falle endet der
ProzeB mit dem Akt der Selbstzerstörung ). Bei dem
ProzeB der Persönlichkeitsbildung ist die Rolle der Frau besonders
hervorzuheben, die Hesse in seinen Romanen
"Demian" und "Siddhartha" zur Sprache bringt. Die Frau
fördert sozusagen den ProzeB der Selbstverwirklichung.
Darüber hinaus wird sie in diesen Romanen zum Symbol
der Liebe und des Friedens.
Keywords: Hermann Hesse, Frau.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ayten GENÇIn this study, the feelings and thoughts of
the German Language Teaching Department students have
been examined systematicaııy through the difficulties they
face in writing; the reasons of these difficulties have be en
examined and some suggestions have been put forward. A
questionnaire has been prepared taking a lot of scientific
sources into consideration and this questionnaire has
beenn given to 178 undergraduate students. The results of
the questionnaire will both help us find out the reasons of
the difficulties that they face in writing and will also guide
the teachers of writing in their writing classes.
Keywords: writing skill, German as a foreign language
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Gül KESKİLMost foreign language students have difficulty
improving their language skills,especially listening
and reading. One of the common characteristics of the two
skills mentioned is that an ability to predict the content of
the language substance helps increase their comprehension.
The aim of this study is to see whether listening
or reading is more influential in improving the other. The
experiments carried out with fOUf groups of students, equal
in number and the level of proficieney, conveyed that reading
as a pre-listening activity was mare efficient in improving
the listening skill rather than vice versa.
Keywords: Language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking), ability to predict.
Dr. Ayfer KocabaşThis study was done to develop a variable
and reliable scale that measures attitudes towards music.
The samples of the study consists of 284 student 6th, 7th,
8th graders from Dokuz Eylül Junior High School ıZMıR. The
scale has been contained that Likert type, 17 positive, and
13 negative 3 interval, total 30 items and 6 factor. Item total
correlations, ıtem means and standart deviations, varimax
rotated factör loadings communaHties, eigen values, Cronbachis
Alpha and Split-Half reliability coefficients and percen-tage
of variance were computed. The obtained findings
indicates that the developed scale is a valiable and reliable
instrument that can be used to measure attitudes towards
music on Junior High Schools Students.
Keywords: Music Education, Attitudes, Scale of Attitutes towards Music.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim Yıldırımn this study, university students who have
been using tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug were examined
according to some individual and familial variables. The
sample of the study included totally 1218 university students
(666 women, 552 men). A questionaire developed by
the researcher was utilized in this study. The data were
analyzed by Chi-Square (x2) test. The fındings have shown
that the rate of using illicit drug, tobacco, and aleohol by
stUdents differed according to gender, religiosity levels, perceived
socio-economic status, and some familial variables.
The findings are discussed in the light of related literature,
and some suggestions are made.
Keywords: tobacco, aleohol, illicit drug
Doç. Dr. Yüksel KAVAKThis paper examines labour force partieipation
and unemployment issues in relatian to employment
and unemployment relations by using three indicators
developed by OECD (rates of labour force
participation, unemployment rates by age and sex, unemployment
rates by educational levels). These issues are
dealt with in terms of sex, age and educatian variables emphasising
woman dimension.
The data used in this study was mostly gathered from
the United Nations and OECD sources and national data
was obtained from the data of the Institute of State Sta-
ıisties (ISS).
The sample countries from which regular statistical data
are obtained show that there is a signifieant relationship
between education and labour force participation rates. It
is accepted that edu ca tion is an important tool to reduce
unemployment, on the other hand, it is emphasised that
the relationships between education and unemployment
are more complex and there is a difficulty of making generalisation
in this respect.
When the issue is taken into consideration in regard to
woman, it can be said that the higher the educationallevel
of the woman is, the higher the rate of woman participation
into labour force is, in return, especially educational
inadequacy constitutes a disadvantage for the women in
adapting to urban economy.
Keywords: Education, women employment, women unemployment, labour force participation.
Sınıf İçi Demokratik Öğretimin Öğrenci Erişisi ve Akademik Benlik Kavramına Etkisi
Esed YAĞCIThe objective of this research is to identify the effects of the inter class democratic instruction to the student achievement and academic self concept.
Keywords: Democratic Instruction, Academic Self Concept, Achievemrnt