- (17), 1999
Yrd. Doç. Dr. NihaI SÖKMEN & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hale BAYRAMThe research reported in this study was
designed to answer two questions:a) Do the students learn
the chem:ica! concep~ wel!i? b} How is l~caı thinking
ability related to the students understanding of the
chemical concepts? Eight chemistry concepts were used
in the study: element, compound, mixture, pure substance,
homogeneous mixture, heterogeneous mixture, chemical
change, physical change. Problems conceming the
eight concepts were given to 97 ninth grade students in
order to assess the students' degree of understanding of
chemistry concepts. In addition to this, logical thinking
ability test was given to students. According to the results,
during the trainning period the students haven't leamed
these concepts well enough and they have had misconceptions
about these. It is thought that the heavy curriculum
and the students memorizing created that result.
Also this study indicated that logical thinking ability made
a significant contribution to the understandingof chemistry
Keywords: Chemical concept. misconception
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İ. Hakkı MİRİCİ & Prof. Dr. Özcan DEMİREL This study aims to introducea new pathto
prepare an ESP Reading Curriculum for the Preparatory
Classes of English-medium Engineering Faculties in
Turkey. To provide this, in 1996-1997 academicyear,
firstly, ESP reading programmesof some English-medium
universities such as Middle East Technical Universityand
Istanbul Technical University were examined and then an
experimental research was held at Gazi University
Preparatory Classes of Engineering and Architecture
Facu1ty, and the results were iııustratedvia some statistical
tables andfigures.
For the research, two equal experimental groups of
preparatory class students and a group of freshman
studentswere selected at random.To begin with, as weıı as
the freshman students, the subjects of the experimental
groups were given a pre-test the questions of which were
formed as a result of item analyses. Next, the proposed
programmewas implemented and comsequently, the same
test was administeredas the post-testof the study. Finally,
he results of the tests for the experimentalgroups and the
freshman students were compared by means of a Scheffe
Keywords: ESP reading curriculum, reading activities, english preparatory class training, engineering faculties
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Behiye UBUZThe purpose of this research is to investigate
students' understandingof angle concept in geometry
according to their errors, misconceptions and gender. The
sample includes one IOth grade class and one i Ith grade
class selected from a private college in Ankara in 1997-
1998 academic year. Data were collected through a test
including 11 open-ended questions. In this studyonly 5 of
the 11 questionswere taken into consideration.
The findings have shown that male students were
more radical compared to female students in approaching
to the questions. That is, majority of male students either
solved the questions correct1yor 1eft untouched.In addition,
female students were more successful compared to male
students and there was an increase in achievement level
of the students due to educational level.
The reasons of the errors, without taking into account
gender differences, can be summarized as follows: (i) students,
by looking at the given figures, assume something is
given; (ii) students focus on the figure itself rather than its
properties; (iii) students do not know the meaning of a triangle
and the properties of its exterior and interior angles.
Keywords: Geometry, error analysis, misconceptions, gender differences.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İbrahim YILDIRIMIn the present study, some values of
Turkish university students from varying degrees of
religiosity were examined. The samp1e of the study
included totally 1218 university students (666 female, 552
male), in 1996. All students were unmarried. A
questionnaire developed by the researcher was utilized in
this study. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square (X2)
test. According to the findings, 85% of the students
believe in religion. Female subjects were more religious.
Also 85% of the students against sexual discrimination.
Most of the students who admit to sexual discrimination
were in religious groups. Sexual intercourse before
marriage was seen anatural phenomenon among half of
the students. Forty-one percent of the students belonging
to nonreligious groups have engaged in sexual intercourse.
Many students who had sexual intercourseat an earlyage
were religious. The students were always concemed about
national and world problems, and were anxious about the
futureof Turkey. Religious studentswere found to be more
optimistic about the future of Turkey than nonreligious
ones. The findings are discussed in the light of related
literature,and some suggestionsare made.
Keywords: Turkish university students. values, religiosity.
Hakan UZ & Dr. Ali ERYILMAZIn this research, the factors affecting the
students' attitudes toward physics were investigated. In
order to find the effects of six independent variables
namely socioeconomicstatus,prioracmevement,cumulative
GPA, future occupation, locus of control and achievement
in mathon students'attitudestowardphysicswere examined.
Three scales; Physics Attitude Scale, Socioecononllc Status
Scale and Locus of Control Scale were developed and
administered to 317 high school students. Multiple
Regression and Correlation Analysis (MRC) was used to
analyze the data obtained from the scales. This research
showed that the combined effect of these six independent
variableson students' attitudestowardphysics is significanl.
The unique effects of future occupation, locus of control,
achievement in math and prior achievement were
significantfactorswhile the uniqueeffects of socioeconomic
statusand cumulative GPA were nol.
Keywords: Attitudes toward physics, socioeconomic status. prior achievement. cumulative GPA, locus of control. and future occupation.
Jale ÇAKIROĞLUMuch of the discussion and research about
"equality of educational opportunity" has concentrated
on the differences associated with class, socioeconomic
status, region and race. Somewhat less attentionhas been
paid to research on gender differences in science than in
mathematics. Several years after the initial intervention
programs in math,researchers began to examine the disparities
in the science achievement of girls and boys. The
low percentage of women in science- and mathematicsrelated
professions has led to widespread researchaimed at
understanding this phenomenon and introducing more
women into scientific andtechnologicalfields. Althoughthe
issues of why women do not select science as a careerorthe
issues of why boys perform better than girls are complex
andvery controversial,the purposeof this paperis to examine
the factors underlying the differential participationand
achievement of boys and girls in school science; then discuss
theways to eliminategenderbias in theclassroom
Keywords: Science education, gender, science achievement, international studie
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Feza ORHAN & Doç. Dr. Buket AKKOYUNLUToday, there exists 528.408 teachers in
75.889 educational institution in total in Turkey. it has
now been obligatory to provide continuousin-service training
for the teachers who are responsibIefor implementing
the currlculum, using the related technology, organizing
the instructional media and devoloping interactive relations
with the students. Teachers can be supplied with inservice
training through distance learning facilities all
through their professional life. New technologies such as
interactive video, teleconference, internet are such device
to help teachers to create direct interactionmedium between
the teacher and the Ieamer who are far away from each
other. However, to operate devices of new technologies
expertiseis required and it is never cost-effective. Morover,
it is still a situation thatrequires solution in Turkey to
establish the necessary infrustructurefor such applications.
In this study, it is suggested that, "Video-Based Inservice
Teacher Training Model" which is cheaper and yet
notless effective than the other model be utilized
Keywords: Distance learning, video-based in-service teacher training, in-service teacher training through video
Prof. Dr. Sevil ÜNAL & Ebru DIMIŞKIThis study is a review of the events and
developments, at the internationalIevel, thatlead to the establishment
of the framework for environmental education.
The starting pointof the review is the 1972 Stockholm
Conference, the final point being the 1997 Thessaloniki
Conference. The 1977 Tbilisi Conference that created a
landmark beginning for internationalenvironmentaleducation
is covered in depth with regard to its findings, conclusions,
recommendationsand final declaration.
Also included in the study is a comparison of the
goals, guiding) principles, curriculum and syHabus of
environmental education in the Secondary Level Turkish
Education with those proposed by a team of environmenta!
educators working under the auspices of UNESCOIEEP.
Keywords: Environmental education, secondary education, curriculum
Öğr. Gör. Vesile YILDIZCooperative learning is a teaching method
into which a lot of research has been carriedout and which
has been proved to have a positive effect on cognitive and
affective outcomes. The aim of this artide is to show the
differences between cooperative learning and tradiational
learning groups in terms of the role of the teacher and the
student, planning the learning activities, implementation
and evaluation processes and to explain the characteristics
of cooperative and traditionallearning groups.
Keywords: Cooperative leaming groups, traditional leaming groups.