Bu araflt›rman›n amac›, Engelliler ‹çin Beden E¤itimi ve Spor Dersi’nin (EBES), Beden E¤itimi Spor Ö¤retmenli¤i Bölümü
ö¤rencilerinin bedensel engelli kiflilere yönelik genel tutumlar› üzerine etkisini incelemektir. Araflt›rmaya 47 Beden E¤itimi spor
ö¤retmenli¤i (çal›flma grubu), 34 di¤er bölüm ö¤rencileri (spor yöneticili¤i ve antrenörlük- kontrol grubu) kat›lm›fllard›r. Çal›flma
grubu 14 hafta boyunca Engelliler ‹çin Beden E¤itimi ve Spor dersi alm›fl kontrol grubu ise bu dersi almam›flt›r. Araflt›rmada veri
toplama arac› olarak Yuker, Block ve Young, (1970) taraf›ndan gelifltirilen Yetersizlikten Etkilenmifl Kiflilere Yönelik Tutum Ölçe¤i-
“O Formu” (Attitude Toward Disabled Person) kullan›lm›flt›r. Kovaryans Analizi ANCOVA testi sonuçlar›na göre EBES dersi
ald›ktan sonra bedensel engelli bireylere yönelik genel tutumlar çal›flma ve kontrol gruplar› aras›nda anlaml› fark göstermifltir F (1,79)
= 14.22, p<.01). Bulgulara göre Engelliler ‹çin Beden E¤itimi ve Spor dersinin, Beden E¤itimi spor ö¤retmenli¤i bölümündeki
ö¤rencilerin bedensel engelli bireye yönelik genel tutumlar›n› olumlu yönde etkiledi¤i belirlenmifltir.
This study was designed to investigate the attitudes of prospective physical education teachers towards individuals
with physical disabilities by adapted physical education course. 47 prospective physical education teachers (Study group) and 34
students (Sport management and coaching- control group) participated in the study. Study group took 14 weeks Adapted Physical
Education course and the control group did not. Attitude Towards Disabled Person- “O Form” scale was used to determine the
attitudes of the groups (Yuker, Block, &Young, 1970). Analysis of covariance ANCOVA for mixed measures test revealed significant
difference attitude towards individual with physical disabilities between groups the measurements at the beginning and end of the
semester F (11,78) = 14.22, p<.01. Results indicated that APE course may say positive attitude effect of the prospective college
student physical education teachers toward individual with physical disabilities.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Bedensel engelli, beden Eğitimi, tutum
KEYWORDS: Attitude, individuals with physical disabilities, physical education, attitude.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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