Bu çal›flmada, lise ikinci s›n›f ö¤rencilerinin, kimya müfredat›nda yer alan kimyasal denge konusu ile ilgili kavram
yan›lg›lar›n› ortaya ç›karmak amaçlanm›flt›r. Bu amaç do¤rultusunda Kimyasal Denge Kavram Testi (KDKT) haz›rlanm›fl ve bu
kavram testi 2001-2002 ö¤retim y›l› 2. dönem Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesine ba¤l› Özel Karacan Derhanesine devam eden 76 lise ikinci
s›n›f ö¤rencisine uygulanm›flt›r. Ayr›ca ö¤rencilere Kimya Tutum Ölçe¤i (KTÖ) ve Bilimsel ‹fllem Beceri Testi (B‹BT) uygulanm›
flt›r. De¤erlendirmeler sonucunda ö¤rencilerin Kimyasal Denge konusunda 20 soruya verdikleri do¤ru cevap yüzde aral›¤›
%100-%22.4 tür. Kimya Tutum Ölçe¤i ve Kimyasal Denge Kavram Testi aras›nda anlaml› bir iliflki gözlenmemifltir (r=0.149, p>
0.05). Ayr›ca Bilimsel ‹fllem Beceri Testi ve Kimyasal Denge Kavram testi aras›nda da anlaml› bir iliflki bulunamam›flt›r (r=0.186, p>
This study aims at revealing misconceptions on Chemical Equilibrium which is included in the Chemistry Program
of the 2nd Year High School Students. In parallel to this aim, a Chemical Equilibrium Concept Test consisting of 20 multiple choice
questions has been developed and this concept test, has been applied to 76 2nd Year High School Students attending Private Karacan
School, which, which is in the 2nd Term of 2001-2002 Academic Year, Çankaya District of Ankara. Morever, Attitude Toward Science
Scale and Science Process Skill Test have also been applied to the students. As a result of evaluations, the percentage of correct
answer given by the students on Chemical Equilibrium is between %100-%22.4. Any significant relation was not observed between
the Attitude Toward Science scale and the Science Process Skill Test (r=0.149, p> 0.05). Additionally, there was no significant relationship
between the Science Process Skill Test and the Chemical Equilibrium Concept Test(r=0.186, p> 0.05).
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: kimya eğitimi, kavramlar, kavram yanılgısı, kimyasal denge
KEYWORDS: chemistry education, concepts, misconceptions, chemical equilibrium
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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