Bu çal›şma öğrencilerin kesirler ile ilgili sözel
problemleri çözerken gösterdikleri kavramsal anlamay› in-
celemektedir. 10 sözel problem içeren sorudan oluşan s›nav
bir özel ilköğretim okulunda okuyan 122 5. s›n›f öğrenci-
sine uygulanm›şt›r. Öğrencilerin sahip olduklar› zorluklar
örnekler ile verildi; sonuçlar parça, bütün ve işlemlerdeki
birimin önemini göstermiştir.
This paper investigates students’ con-
ception of fractions in solving word-problems. An essay
type test including 10 word-problems was administered to
grade students in a private elementary school (N=122).
An analysis of the difficulties met by the students was gi-
ven through examples; evidence was given about the cruci-
al role of the meanings of a part and a quantity, and the
units in the operations.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: kesirler, problem çözme, zorluklar
KEYWORDS: fractions, problem solving, difficulties
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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