Çal›flmada Almanyadaki ö¤retmen ve ö¤retmen
adaylar›n›n beslenme konusunu ifllerken ö¤renci beklentilerine
yer verme amaçlar› ve bu amaçlarda etkin rol oynayan faktörler
belirlenmifl, ayr›ca ö¤retmen ve ö¤retmen adaylar›n›n
beslenme konusu ifllenirken ö¤renci beklentilerini dikkate almalar›
için nas›l teflvik edilebilece¤i tart›fl›lm›flt›r.
Çal›flman›n temelini planl› davran›fl teorisi oluflturmaktad›r.
Planl› davran›fl teorisine dayanarak ö¤retmen ve ö¤retmen
adaylar› için iki farkl› model oluflturulmufl ve oluflturulan Modeller
AMOS istatistik program› ile de¤erlendirilmifltir.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Alman ö¤retmen ve ö¤retmen
adaylar›n›n beslenme konusu ifllenirken ö¤renci beklentilerine
yer verirken amaçlar›nda “tutum”lar›n›n en etkili rolü oynadığı ortaya konmuştur.
In the study of nutrition by teachers and preservice
teachers in Germany, their purposes to consider
student expectations and the factors that play an important
role in these purposes were determined. Besides, the ways to
encourage teachers and pre-service teachers to make student
expectations into considerations for the study of nutrition
were examined.
The theory of planned behavior forms the basis of the study.
In view of this theory, two different modells were developed
for these teachers. These modells were evaluated using a
statistical program called AMOS.
Accordind to the results obtained, it is found that the attitudes
of German teachers and pre-sevice teachers played an
important role im their decisions to make into account the
student expectations.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Beslenme, öğrenci beklentileri, planlanmış davranış teorisi
KEYWORDS: nutrition, student expections, the theory of planned behavioring mathematical education
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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