Üç yaş grubu çocuklarda kavram gelişimi


Doç. Dr. Elif ÜSTÜN & Doç. Dr. Berrin AKMAN

Bu çal›şmada anaokuluna giden ve gitmeyen 3 yaş çocuklar›n›n kavram gelişimleri incelenmiştir. Random yoluyla seçilen çocuklar›n 59’u anaokulu eğitimi almakta 65’i ise hiç okulöncesi eğitimi almam›ş olan çocuklard›r. Araşt›rman›n verileri Bracken (1984) taraf›ndan geliştirilen ve ters çevirme işlemi ile türkçeleştirilen Bracken Temel Kavram Ölçeği (Bracken Basic Concept Scale) uygulana- rak toplanm›şt›r. Araşt›rmada anaokuluna giden ve gitme- yen çocuklar›n SRC (renk, şekil, harf, karş›laşt›rma, sa- y›/sayma), sosyal/duygusal, doku/material yön/konum, ve büyüklük kavramlar› aras›nda fark olup olmad›ğ›na bak›l- m›şt›r. Araşt›rma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, okulöncesi eğitimi alan ve almayan çocuklar›n kavram ge- lişimleri aras›nda fark olduğu bulunmuştur.

In this study, the concept development of the 3 years old children who either attend or not attend to the preschool education on the field of their cognitive de- velopment is reviewed. The sample space of the study con- sisted of 124 children.These children who were randomly selected from the population, 59 had and 65 did not have any preschool education. The data of the research is gathe- red according to Bracken Basic Concept Scale which was developed by Bracken (1984) and translated into Turkish by inversing procedure. During the research, the existence of differences between their perception of SRC,(colour, let- ter, shape, comparison, number/counting) social/emotional, texture/material, direction/position, and size concept were sought for. According to the findings obtained from this re- search, it turned out that significant difference were found between two groups.

ANAHTAR KELİMELER: kavram gelişimi, erken çocukluk, okulöncesi eğitim

KEYWORDS: concept development, early childhood, preschool education


efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr        http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr           Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara

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