Bilgisayar destekli ö¤retim uygulamalar›na katk›
olarak haz›rlanan “Görme duyusu ve göz” konulu gösteri
program› , G.Ü. Gazi E¤itim Fakültesi Matematik Ö¤retmenli¤i
ve Bilgisayar ve Ö¤retim Teknolojileri Anabilim
Dal› ö¤rencilerinden oluflturulan deney gruplar›na sunulmufltur.
Toplam 100 ö¤rencinin kat›ld›¤› çal›flmada kontrol
grubu, deney I ve deney II gruplar› oluflturularak, kontrol
grubunda geleneksel ö¤retim yap›lm›fl, deney I grubu bireysel
olarak gösteri üzerinde kendileri çal›flm›fllar, deney II
grubuna ise ilave bir ö¤retmen deste¤i verilmifltir. Ölçüm
arac› olarak, mant›ksal düflünce testi ile eflleflmifl gruplarda
baflar› testi kullan›lm›flt›r. Öntest-sontest baflar› karfl›laflt›r›lmalar›nda
kontrol grubunda önemli bir art›fl izlenmezken,
deney I ve deney II gruplar›nda önemli ölçüde art›fl görülmüfltür.
A slide show prepared with PowerPoint,
“Eye and sight sense”, has been experienced on students of the
departments of ‘Computer Science and Instructional Technologies
Education’ and ‘Mathematics Education’ in faculty of
Gazi Education in order to research the influences of computer
use in biology education on students’ success. One hundred
students divided into three groups: one control group and
two test groups (test group I and II). While the control group
has taken traditional education, test group-I worked individually
on the same lessons with slide show and the tests group II
took teacher help in addition to show slide. Success test on
groups matched by logical idea test is used as a measurement
tool. The comparison of results of first and last success test
displays that the control group does not show any significant
difference, the test group I and II indicate reasonable increase
on the success.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: ilgisayar destekli ö¤retim, baflar›, genel biyoloji
KEYWORDS: computer use in education, student success, general biology
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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