This study examines the self-reported beliefs
of Turkish in-service early childhood education teachers living
in Turkey in order to develop an understanding of the beliefs
held by Turkish teachers about appropriate early childhood
education practices, to get a sense of the perceived barriers to
effective practice. Twelve teachers participated in in-depth interviews
from early childhood centers serving children ages 3-
to 6-years located in Ankara and Istanbul. Results revealed that
Turkish teachers beliefs were closer to the developmentally
appropriate side of the developmentally appropriate versus developmentally
inappropriate continuum considering the main
points of Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) curriculum
such as active, hands on learning, dramatic play and activities
related to children’s needs and interests. Teachers’ perceived
barriers to effective practice include physical conditions
and resources (class size, materials etc.), lack of teacher-parent
partnership, and low status of teaching profession in Turkey
Bu çal›flman›n amac›, Türkiye’de çal›flan okulöncesi
e¤itim ö¤retmenlerinin "geliflimsel uygunlu¤u göz
önünde bulunduran uygulamalar" (developmentally appropriate
practices) hakk›ndaki düflüncelerini anlamak, etkili ö¤retime
karfl› varolan engeller hakk›nda bilgi edinmektir. Ankara
ve Istanbul illerinde bulunan 3-6 yafl aras› çocuklara hizmet
veren okullarda görev yapan 12 okulöncesi e¤itim ö¤retmenine
"derinlemesine mülakat metodu" uygulanm›flt›r. Ö¤retmenlerin
düflüncelerinin, özellikle ana hatlar dikkate al›nd›¤›nda
(aktif, yaparak ve yaflayarak ö¤renme, drama, ve ö¤rencilerin
ilgi ve ihtiyaçlar›na dayal› aktiviteler) "geliflimsel uygunlu¤u
göz önünde bulunduran uygulamalara" daha yak›n oldu¤u gö-
rülmüfltür. Ö¤retmenlerin belirtti¤i etkin uygulamaya engel
oluflturan faktörler aras›nda en çok tekrarlanan faktörler, fiziksel
flartlar ve imkanlar (s›n›f büyüklü¤ü, materyaller), ö¤retmen-veli
iflbirli¤inin eksikli¤i ve de ö¤retmenlik mesle¤inin
düflük statüsü olarak karfl›m›za ç›kmaktad›r.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: okulöncesi, öğretmen, aktiviteler
KEYWORDS: teacher beliefs, practices, DAP
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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