Bu çal›flmada disiplinler aras› ö¤retim yaklafl›m› tan›t›lm›fl
ve Türkiye koflullar›nda orta ö¤retim biyoloji e¤itimde
uygulanabilirli¤i araflt›r›lm›flt›r..Araflt›rman›n sonucunda
biyoloji ö¤retmenlerinin büyük bir k›sm›n›n disiplinler aras›
ö¤retim hakk›nda bilgilerinin olmad›¤› görülmüfltür. Ö¤retmenler
biyoloji ders saatlerini disiplinler aras› ö¤retimin uygulanmas›
için yetersiz bulmufllar ve program çok yüklü oldu-
¤undan disiplinler aras› çal›flmalara zaman kalmad›¤›n› belirtmifllerdir.
Bunun yan›nda, programda yer alan biyoloji konular›n›n
disiplinler aras› ö¤retime yeterince uygun olmad›¤› ifade
edilmifltir. Ö¤retmenler okullardaki zümreler aras› iletiflimin
disiplinler aras› çal›flmalar için “orta” derecede yeterli oldu¤unu
belirtirken, hem ö¤retmenler hem de yöneticiler okullarda
disiplinler aras› ö¤retim için gerekli organizasyonun
sa¤lanabilece¤ini ifade etmifllerdir. Okullar›n araç gereç donan›m›
bak›m›ndan her iki grup taraf›ndan “az” yeterli bulundu-
¤u görülmüfltür.
TIn this study, interdisciplinary teaching
approach and feas›bility of the approach in the high school
biology education in Turkey were searched. The results
showed that the majority of biology teachers did not know
much on interdisciplinary teaching approach. Teachers stated
that allocated time for biology courses was not adequate for
this teaching approach and also emphasized there was not
much time for interdisciplinary studies because of the heavy
content of the curriculum. Furthermore, it has been stated that
the the subjects in biology curriculum were not suitable
enough for the interdisciplinary teaching approach.
While teachers expressed that communication among the
sub – branches was adequate for interdisciplinary studies at
“medium” level, both teachers and principals stated necessary
organization could be provided for interdisciplinary studies in
schools. Both teachers and principals found that equipment of
the schools were adequate at “low” level.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Disiplinler arası öğretim, biyoloji eğitimi.
KEYWORDS: Interdisciplinary teaching, biology education.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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