Matematik ö¤retimini ve ö¤renimini etkileyen pek çok
faktor vard›r. Ö¤retmenlerin tutumlar›, düflünceleri, alg›lar› ve di¤er
bir çok faktor matemati¤in ö¤retiminde ve ö¤renilmesinde önemli
rol oynamaktad›r. Bu konudaki araflt›rmalar ö¤retmen davran›fl›n›n
ö¤renci davran›fl›n› do¤rudan etkiledi¤ine iflaret etmektedir.
E¤er ö¤retmenler matemati¤e karfl› olumlu görüfller içinde
ise, ö¤rencilerinin matemati¤e yönelik tutumlar›n› olumlu etkileyeceklerdir.
Say›lan nedenlerle ö¤retmenlerin s›n›fta yapt›klar›
her davran›fl çok önemlidir. Bu da ö¤retmen adaylar›n›n bu
konularda iyi bir e¤itimden geçmeleri gere¤ini ortaya koymaktad›r.
Bu çal›flma özellikle aday ö¤retmenlerin motivasyon konusundaki
görüfllerini belirlemeyi amaçlam›flt›r. Nicel araflt›rma
tekni¤i olan anket ve nitel araflt›rma tekni¤i olan görüflme kullan›larak
adaylardan (ilkö¤retim matematik ö¤retmenli¤i son s›-
n›f ö¤rencileri) konuya yönelik görüflleri al›nm›flt›r. Bu çal›flmada
sadece görüflmeye iliflkin bulgular› tart›fl›lmaktad›r.
There are many factors affect mathematics
teaching and learning. Teachers’ beliefs, perceptions, attitudes
and many other factors play important roles for mathematics
teaching and learning. Research indicates that teachers’ behaviors
directly affect pupils’ behavior. This suggests that if teachers
have positive views on mathematics, children in their
classes might have positive attitudes towards mathematics.
So, what teachers do in the classrooms is very important. Therefore
student teachers’ training is also very important. This
study aimed to take student teachers’ view on mathematics teaching
and learning. For this aim student teachers were asked
about the role of motivation, in particular. Interview as qualitative
research technique was used and student teachers who
were in their last year of teacher training program were interviewed
in this study. Limited sample of student teachers were
interviewed for gathering detailed data. Only findings belong
interviews are presented in this study.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Motivasyon, aday ö¤retmenler, matematik.
KEYWORDS: Motivation, student teachers, mathematics.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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