Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤› taraf›ndan liselerde okutulmakta olan Lise- 3 Kimya ders kitab›nda yer alan toplam 6 deney incelenerek
bu deneyler de kullan›lan kimyasal maddelerin insan sa¤l›¤› ve laboratuar güvenli¤i aç›s›ndan önemine yönelik uyar›c› bilgilerin
yeterlilikleri araflt›r›lm›fl ve bu bilgilerin e¤itim program›nda yer almas› için öneri getirilmifltir. Lise son s›n›ftaki toplam 50
ö¤renciye; okullar›nda deney yap›p yapmad›klar›n› belirleme ve kulland›klar› kimyasal maddelerin dikkat edilmesi gereken özellikleri
hakk›nda mevcut bilgilerini de¤erlendirme amac›yla “Kimyasal Maddelerin Tehlikeli Özellikleri” (KMTÖ) ne yönelik toplam
10 bilgi sorusu uygulanm›flt›r. Yan›tlar›n de¤erlendirilme sonuçlar›ndan; 50 ö¤renciden 48 inin okullar›nda kimya dersi kapsam›nda
deney yapt›klar›, 9 KMTÖ sorusunu ise %70 -%20.44 aral›¤›nda baflar›yla cevaplad›klar› saptanm›flt›r.
Within the scope of the study, a total amount of 6 experiments mentioned in the high school 3rd class chemistry book chosen
by the Ministry of National Education as the study book were analyzed. The adequacy of the safety data of dangerous chemical substances
used throughout the relevant experiments was investigated and relevant suggestions were made to incorporate this topic in the education
schedule. Furthermore, 10 questions regarding the “Dangerous Features of the Chemical Substances” were asked to 50 high school 3rd
class students in order to assess their knowledge about the possible dangers that might be caused by those chemical substances and whether
the students perform any experiment at school. The knowledge percentage of the students were evaluated to be ranging from 20.44% to 70%
after having checked their answers. 48 students out of 50 were found out to be carrying out experiments at their chemistry classes.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Lise 3 Kimya Ders Kitabı, Tehlikeli Kimyasal Maddeler, Güvenli Çalışma
KEYWORDS: High School 3rd Class Chemistry Book, Dangerous Chemical Substances, Safe Study
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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