Bu çal›flman›n amac› bafllang›ç düzeyinde ‹ngilizce ö¤renen ö¤rencilerin dinleme becerisiyle ilgili görüfllerini araflt›rmak ve
dinleme stratejileri üzerine e¤itim verilen ö¤rencilerin bu stratejileri dinleme sürecinde aktif olarak ne derece kulland›klar›n› ortaya
ç›karmakt›r. Çal›flma ‹ngilizce e¤itim veren bir üniversitenin haz›rl›k okulunda gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Araflt›rmaya 41 ö¤renci
kat›lm›flt›r. Veriler anket ve sesli düflünme protokolleri yoluyla toplanm›flt›r. Bulgular çok az say›da ö¤rencinin kendisinin dinleme
konusunda iyi oldu¤unu düflündü¤ünü ve dinleme stratejilerinin pek fazla ö¤renci taraf›ndan bilinmedi¤ini ortaya ç›karm›flt›r.
Kat›l›mc›lar dinleme stratejileri konusunda alabilecekleri bir e¤itimin faydal› olaca¤› görüflündedirler. Sesli düflünme protokolleri
ö¤rencilere böyle bir e¤itim verilmesi durumunda ö¤rendikleri stratejileri dinlemede kullanacaklar›n› göstermektedir.
This study aimed at investigating beginner level English language learners’ perspectives on the listening skill with
regard to several dimensions, and to find out the extent to which the learners who have been trained in listening strategies actually
use them while listening. The study took place at the English Preparatory School of an English medium university. Forty-one learners
participated in this study. The study was based on qualitative data that were collected through two means: a survey questionnaire and
think-aloud protocols. The findings indicate that a few students in this study considered themselves good at listening. Not so many
students knew about listening strategies and they thought that a training might help them be more successful in English. The results
of the think aloud protocols suggest that if students are given training in listening strategies, they will make use of these strategies
while listening to texts.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: ‹ngilizce haz›rl›k okulu, dinleme becerisi, strateji kullan›m›, sesli düflünme protokolleri.
KEYWORDS: English preparatory school, listening skill, strategy use, think-aloud protocols.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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