Çal›flma kapsam›nda; Lise 2 Kimya müfredat›nda yer alan “Radyoaktivite” konusu içerik, ö¤retme ve ö¤renme etkinlikleri
aç›s›ndan incelenmifl ve radyoaktivite konusunun öneminin daha iyi anlafl›labilmesi için ders kitab›nda anlat›lan konulara ilave
olarak özellikle Radyasyon Teknolojisine de¤inilmifl ve bu konunun e¤itim program›na al›nmas› ile ilgili öneriler getirilmifltir. Ayr›ca,
ö¤rencilerin radyoaktivite konusundaki bilgilerini de¤erlendirme amac›yla 20 soruluk Radyoaktivite Bilgi Testi haz›rlanm›fl ve
184 ö¤renciye uygulanm›flt›r. Ö¤renci yan›tlar›n›n de¤erlendirilmesi sonucunda yöneltilen sorular› do¤ru cevapland›rma baflar›lar›
%90.8-%31 aral›¤›nda bulunmufltur. Ö¤rencilerin radyoaktif bozunmalarla ilgili 9. ve 19. ve yar›lanma süresi ile ilgili 17. soru için
do¤ru cevap yüzdeleri ise %33-%31 aral›¤›ndad›r. Araflt›rma kapsam›nda yer alan ö¤rencilerin radyoaktivite konusu ile ilgili bilgilerinin
yaln›zca ders kitaplar›nda yer alan konularla s›n›rl› oldu¤u bulunmufltur. Çal›flmada ö¤rencilere sorulan sa¤l›k, çevre ve endüstride
büyük önem tafl›yan radyasyon teknolojisi kavram›n› do¤ru olarak aç›klayamad›klar› ve hangi alanda kullan›ld›¤› konusunda ise
bilgi sahibi olmad›klar› saptanm›flt›r.
Within the scope of the study, the topic “Radioactivity” available in the 2nd class high school chemistry lessons
was analyzed from the content, teaching and learning activities point of view. The essence of the “Radiation Technology” was especially
emphasized in addition to the topics already mentioned in the book and the incorporation of the relevant topic into the education
program was recommended. Furthermore, a test on the topic “radioactivity” composed of 20 questions was prepared and applied
to 184 students so as to evaluate their knowledge thereupon. Their success was found out to range from 90.8% to 31% accordingly.
The correct answer percentage of the students to questions 9 and 19 about radioactive decay and question 17 about the half-life ranges
from 33% to 31%. The knowledge of the students about radioactivity was noticed to be confined to the topics available in the
school books only. The study showed that the students could not well explain the concept of the radiation technology which is of great
importance in health, environment and industry, and they did not have knowledge about its applications.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Lise 2 Kimya Ders Kitab›, Radyoaktivite, Radyasyon Teknolojisi
KEYWORDS: High School 2nd Class Chemistry Book, Radioactivity, Radiation Technology
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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