Kimya alan›nda; özellikle soyut kavramlarda yo¤unlaflan yan›lg›lar, ö¤rencilerde bilginin yüksek verimlilikte yap›lanmas›-
n› engelleyen önemli faktörlerden biri olarak belirtilmektedir. Günümüzde ö¤rencilerde ; kavram yan›lg›lar›n›n oluflumunun engellenmesi
, ö¤renme baflar›s›n›n artt›r›lmas› amac›yla yap›land›rmac› modele dayal› aktif ö¤renme etkinliklerinin gelifltirilmesine yönelik
araflt›rmalara olan ilgi giderek artmaktad›r. Kavram yan›lg›lar›n›n yo¤un olarak yafland›¤› konulardan biri de Lise-1 Kimya Program›nda
yer alan Kimyasal Ba¤lar Ünitesindeki “‹yonik Ba¤lar” d›r. Gerçeklefltirilen araflt›rmada, Lise-1. s›n›f Kimyasal Ba¤lar Ünitesinin
tamamlanmas›n› takiben 32 kiflilik bir ö¤renci grubuna, ‹yonik Ba¤lar konusuyla ilgili mevcut kavram yan›lg›lar›n›n belirlenmesi
amac›yla 7’si çoktan seçmeli ve 5’i aç›k uçlu toplam 12 sorudan oluflan bir ön-test uygulanm›fl ve sözlü görüflmeler yap›lm›flt›r.
Ard›ndan, iyonik Ba¤lar konusuna yönelik yap›land›rmac› modele dayal› bir rehber materyal haz›rlanm›flt›r. Rehber materyalde
; ünite ile ilgili neden-niçin irdelemesi ön planda tutulmufl; konu ile ilgili yeterince flekil, foto¤raf ve grafiklerin verilmesine özen
gösterilmifl; iflbirlikli ö¤renme etkinlikleri ve deneysel uygulamalara, bilgisayar animasyonlar›na ve okuma parçalar›na yer verilmifl-
tir. Rehber Materyalin uygulanmas› sonras›nda son-test uygulanm›fl , ö¤rencilerin ve ö¤retmenlerin haz›rlanan rehber materyal uygulamas›na
yönelik görüflleri al›nm›flt›r. ‹statistiksel olarak de¤erlendirilen test sonuçlar›, haz›rlanan rehber materyalin belirlenen kavram
yan›lg›lar›n›n giderilmesinde baflar›l› oldu¤unu göstermifltir
Student’s misconceptions that identified especially in abstract subjects in chemistry education are one of the important
factors which obstacles construction of knowledge with a highly yield. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in investigating remediation
of misconceptions with active learning activities according to constructivist model for increasing students’ learning success.
There are many misconceptions in the subject of Ionic Bonding in the Chemical Bonding Unit which is important subject in
grade 9. In this study, a pre-test consisting of 5 open-ended and 7 multiple-choice totaling 12 questions was applied to 32 students
following the learning of ionic bonding and in addition, interviewed with some of them to define their existing misconceptions in this
subject. Then, a new guide material was developed based on constructivist model about Ionic Bonding. In the guide material reasoning
was encouraged; images, photographs and graphics about the subject as well as cooperative learning and experimental activities,
computer animations and reading passages were given. After the application of the guide material, a post-test was administered,
and students and teachers were interviewed about the guide material. Analyzed data from the post-test showed that the developed guide
material was successful in remediation of the determined misconceptions in Ionic Bonding.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Kavram yan›lg›s›, kimyasal ba¤lar, iyonik ba¤, aktif ö¤renme, kimya e¤itimi
KEYWORDS: Misconception, chemical bonding, concepts of ionic bonding, active learning chemistry education.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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