Bu çal›flmada H.Ü. E¤itim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Ö¤retmenli¤i 1. s›n›f ö¤rencilerinin “madde ve özellikleri” konusuna yö-
nelik kavram yan›lg›lar› ve ö¤rencilerin “madde” konusundaki kavramlar› anlaml› ö¤renme düzeyleri ile fen bilgisine karfl› tutumlar›,
mant›ksal düflünme düzeyleri, Orta Ö¤retim Baflar› Puanlar› (OÖBP), bölümü tercih s›ralar› ve ÖSS puanlar› aras›ndaki iliflki arafl-
t›r›lm›flt›r. Araflt›rman›n verileri Madde Kavram Testi, Fen Bilgisi Tutum Ölçe¤i ve Mant›ksal Düflünme Yetene¤i Testi ile toplanm›fl-
t›r. Fen bilgisi ö¤retmenli¤i ö¤rencilerinin madde konusundaki kavramlar› anlama düzeyleri %91 ile %20 aras›nda, konuyla ilgili kavram
yan›lg›lar› ise %76 ile %4 aral›¤›nda de¤iflmektedir. Özellikle “çözünürlük”, “çözünme” ve “faz de¤iflimi” konular›nda ö¤rencilerin
kavramlar› anlama düzeyleri düflük ve kavram yan›lg›lar› fazlad›r. Ö¤rencilerin madde konusundaki kavramlar› anlaml› ö¤renme
düzeyleri ile fen bilgisine karfl› tutumlar› aras›nda anlaml› bir iliflki oldu¤u, mant›ksal düflünme düzeyleri ve orta ö¤retim baflar›
puanlar› aras›nda ise anlaml› bir iliflki olmad›¤› tespit edilmifltir. Ö¤rencilerin mant›ksal düflünme düzeyleri ile ÖSS puanlar› aras›nda
ve fen bilgisine karşı olan tutumlar› ile bu program› tercih sıraları aras›nda da bir iliflki saptanamamıştır.
The purpose of this study was firstly, to investigate i) the meaningful learning level and the level of misconceptions
of the student’s on the subject of “Matter and its properties” ii) the relationship among these variables with the student’s attitude
toward science, their logical thinking levels, their achievement scores from secondary education, their order of department preference
and finally, their scores on the Student Selection Examination. Matter Concept Test, Attitude Toward Science and Logical Thinking
Test were administrated to the students to collect data. The meaningful learning levels of the science teaching student’s were found
between % 91-21 and students’ level of misconceptions related with the concept were found between % 76- 4.28 Student’s level
of understanding was low and the level of misconceptions was very high on the concepts related with solubility, dissolving and phase
change especially. A significant relationship was observed between the students’ level of meaningful learning of the concepts related
with matter and their attitudes toward science. On the other hand, no significant relationships were observed between their logical
thinking levels and their achievement scores from secondary education; and their logical thinking levels and scores on the Student
Selection Examination and their attitudes toward science.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: madde ve tanecikli yap›s›, kavram yan›lg›lar›, anlaml› ö¤renme, mant›ksal düflünme düzeyi, fen bilgisine karşı tutum
KEYWORDS: matter and particulate nature of matter, misconceptions, meaningful learning, ability of logical thinking level, attitude toward science.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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