nsano lu omurgas z hayvanlar omurgal hayvanlara göre daha az olumlu alg lamaktad r. Çünkü bu hayvanlar davran ve morfolojik yap olarak çok al lmam lard r. Bu kültürleraras çal ma Slovak (n=150) ve Türk (n=164) ö rencilerin 25 omurgas z canl ile ilgili alg lanan tehlike, korku ve nefretlerini ara rmaktad r. Türk ö rencilerden farkl olarak, Slovak ö rencilere bu canl lar n s fland rmalar üzerine sorular sorulmu tur. Slovak ö rencileri ile kar la ld nda, Türk ö rencileri daha yüksek düzeyde korku, nefret ve tehlike alg na sahiptirler. K zlar lehine cinsiyet fark sadece Slovak ö renciler aras nda ve potansiyel olarak tehlikeli olan canl lar için gözlemlenmi tir. Bu durum k z rencilerin tehlikeli hayvanlar az veya çok ay rt edemedi ini göstermi tir. Herhangi bir ev hayvan na sahip olma ile rencilerin görü leri aras nda bir ili ki bulunamam r. Ayr ca, s fland rma becerileri ile ö rencilerin görü leri aras nda da bir ili ki bulunamam r.
Human perceives invertebrates less positively than vertebrates because they are small and
behaviourally and morphologically unfamiliar. This cross-cultural research focused on Slovakian (n=150) and Turkish
(n=164) students’ fear, disgust and perceived danger regarding 25 invertebrates [including 5 disease relevant adult insects, 5
ectoparasites, 5 endoparasites, 5 disease irrelevant adult insects and 5 insect larvae/earthworm]. A subsample of Slovakian
children was asked for taxonomic identification of these animals. It was found that Turkish students rated higher in all three
dimensions fear, disgust and dangerousness, compared with Slovakian students. Gender difference favouring higher score of
females were found only among Slovakian students and these differences were observed for potentially harmful animals.
This implies that females were able to distinguish between more and less dangerous animals. It was neither detected any
effects of owning animals on students’ ratings, nor found any correlation between identification skills and rating scores.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: omurgas z hayvanlar, alg lanan tehlike, nefret, korku, biyoloji e itimi
KEYWORDS: invertebrates, perceived danger, disgust, fear, biology education
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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