Gerçekçi Matematik Eğitiminin Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi ve Öğretime Yönelik Öğrenci Görüşleri


Arş. Gör .Emine ÖZDEMİR & Yrd. Doç. Dr. Devrim ÜZEL

Gerçekçi Matematik E itiminin “Yüzey Ölçüleri ve Hacimler” ünitesinin ö retiminde ö renci ba ar na etkisinin ve ö retime yönelik ö renci görü lerinin ara ld bu çal mada ön-son test kontrol gruplu deneysel desen ile nitel veri birle iminden olu an karma ara rma deseni kullan lm r. Çal ma 2007-2008 ö retim y nda gerçekle tirilmi tir ve yetmi dört 8. s f ö rencisi kat lm r. Ö retim, deney grubuna(38 ö renci) gerçekçi matematik e itimine dayal olarak ve kontrol grubuna(36 ö renci) geleneksel yöntem kullan larak gerçekle tirilmi tir. Denkle tirme testi, matematiksel ba ar testi ve aç k uçlu sorulardan olu an yar yap land lm görü me formu ile veri toplanm r. Nicel veriler t-testi, nitel veriler betimsel analiz ile incelenmi tir. Çal madan elde edilen bulgular sonucunda gerçekçi matematik e itimine dayal ö retimin, geleneksel yöntemle yap lan ö retimden daha etkili oldu u ve ö retime yönelik ö renci görü lerinin gerçekçi matematik itimini destekler nitelikte oldu u sonucuna ula lm r.

This study in which the effect of Realistic Mathematics Education on teaching “Measures of Surface and Volumes” unit and students’ opinions were searched and mixed searching method consisted of empirical method with control group by using pre-post test and qualitative data was used. Study was carried out in 2007-2008 academic year and seventy four 8 grade students were participated. Instruction was conducted in experimental group (38 students) based on realistic mathematics education and in control group (36 students) with using the traditional method. Data were obtained via equivalence test, mathematical achievement test and semi-structured interviews composed of open-ended questions. Quantitative data were examined with t-test and qualitative data were examined descriptive analysis. As a result of the findings from the study, instruction based on realistic mathematics education was more effective than instruction with traditional method and realistic mathematics education was found to be supported by student opinions.

ANAHTAR KELİMELER: gerçekçi matematik eğitimi, matematikleştirme, ba lamsal problemler, yüzey ölçüleri, hacimler.

KEYWORDS: realistic mathematics education, mathematization, contextual problems, measures of surface, volumes.

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