Bu çal ma, fizik ö retmen adaylar n, özel görelilik kuram ile ilgili problemlerin çözümüne yönelik, problem çözme yakla mlar belirlemek amac yla yap lm nitel bir ara rmad r. Ö rencilerle yap lan görü meler ve uygulanan problemler sonucunda elde edilen veriler nitel ara rma yöntemlerine göre analiz edilmi tir. Çal ma sonucunda, ö retmen adaylar n büyük bir k sm n problem çözme yakla mlar n bilimsel ve stratejik çözüm yakla olmad ortaya km r. Özellikle “benzer problem yakla ” ve “formülde yerine koyma” kategorilerindeki ö rencilerin, ara rmada kullan lan problemi, daha önce derste çözümü yap lan problemlere benzeterek çözme yoluna gittikleri ve/veya deneme yan lma yoluyla problem için uygun denklemi bulmak eklinde bir çözüm yakla geli tirdikleri tespit edilmi tir. Üniversite düzeyinde, fizik e itiminde özel görelilik konusuyla ilgili yap lan çal malar n azl göz önüne al nd nda, çal man n bu yönde yap lacak ara rmalara kaynak olabilece i dü ünülmektedir.
The aim of the study, which was designed as a qualitative research, is to determine the problem solving approaches of pre-service physics teachers in special theory of relativity. The data was collected through semi structured interviews and through problem solving tasks and was analyzed by using qualitative research method. At the end of the analysis process three categories were obtained. Especially the students in the second and in the third categories were seen to have developed a solution approach which includes solving the problem through finding a similar equation that seems to match the current problem and/or through trial and error. We think that this study might be a source material to other studies supposed to be done in the future, since the insufficient investigation was taken into consideration at undergraduate level related to the special theory of relativity
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Fizik öğretmeni adayları, problem çözme, özel görelilik ilkesi
KEYWORDS: Pre-service physics teachers, problem solving, special theory of relativity
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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