Bu çal man n amac kimya ö retmen adaylar n internet öz yeterliklerinin, yap land rmac internet destekli ortamlara yönelik tercihlerinin nas l oldu unu belirlemek, internet öz yeterlikleri ile yap land rmac internet tabanl ortamlara yönelik tercihleri aras ndaki ili kiyi, internet destekli kimya dersi uygulamalar ndaki ba ar lar ile yap land rmac internet tabanl ortamlara yönelik tercihleri aras ndaki ili kiyi, internet destekli kimya dersi uygulamalar ndaki ba ar lar ile internet öz yeterlikleri aras ndaki ili kiyi incelemektir. Veri toplama arac olarak, Tsai and Tsai (2003), Tsai and Lin (2004), Wu and Tsai (2006), and Peng, Tsai and Wu (2006) taraf ndan geli tirilen nternet Özyeterlik Ölçe i’nin adapte edilmi hali, Yap land lm nternet Ö renme Ortamlar Anketi’nin modifiye edilmi ekli (Chuang and Tsai, 2005; Wen et.al. 2004) ve ara rmac taraf ndan geli tirilen Kimya Ba ar Testi (KBT) kullan lm r. Verilerin analizi sonucunda ö retmen adaylar n internet öz yeterlikleri ile yap land rmac internet tabanl ortamlara yönelik tercihleri aras nda ve yap land rmac internet tabanl ortamlara yönelik tercihleri ve internet destekli kimya dersi uygulamalar ndaki ba ar lar aras nda istatistikî olarak anlaml ili ki saptanm r.
The aims of this study are to determine prospective chemistry teachers’ internet self-efficacy and
preferences of constructivist internet-assisted environments and to examine the relationship between their internet selfefficacy
and their preferences for constructivist internet-assisted environments, the relationship between their achievement in
internet-assisted chemistry applications and their preferences for constructivist internet-assisted environments, the
relationship between prospective chemistry teachers’ achievement in internet-assisted chemistry applications and their
internet self-efficacy. An adapted form of Questionnaire Exploring Internet Self-Efficacy developed by Tsai and Tsai (2003),
Tsai and Lin (2004), Wu and Tsai (2006), and Peng, Tsai and Wu (2006), a modified form of Constructivist Internet Learning
Environment Survey (CILES) (Chuang and Tsai, 2005; Wen et al., 2004) and The Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT)
which was developed by the researcher was used as the data collection tools. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and the
Pearson correlation coefficient were used.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: internet özyeterli i, yap land rmac internet destekli ortamlara yönelik tercihler, kimya ba ar
KEYWORDS: internet self-efficacy, preferences of constructivist internet-assisted environments, chemistry
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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