Bu ara rma, anas na devam eden çocuklar n fonolojik duyarl klar baz de kenlere göre incelemek amac yla yap lm r. Ara rman n çal ma grubunu, Ankara il merkezinde ya ayan, Milli E itim Bakanl ’na ba ; biri özel, di erleri resmi ilkö retim okullar n anas flar na 2005-2006 e itim-ö retim y nda devam eden 76’s k z, 86’s erkek olmak üzere toplam 162 çocuk olu turmaktad r. Çocuklar n fonolojik duyarl klar tespit etmek amac yla Joseph K. Torgesen ve Brian R. Bryant taraf ndan 1994 y nda geli tirilen “Fonolojik Duyarl k Testi” (Test Of Phonological Awareness Second Edition:Plus) ile çocuklar n aileleri ve ö retmenleri hakk ndaki bilgileri edinebilmek amac yla ara rmac lar taraf ndan olu turulan “Demografik Bilgi Formu” kullan lm r. Ara rmadan elde edilen veriler; Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi – ANOVA, Post-Hoc Testleri’nden Tukey HSD, LSD ve T-testi ile de erlendirilmi tir. Çal man n bulgular na göre; çocuklar n, Fonolojik Duyarl k Testi’nin “ayn -farkl sesleri fark etme” yani fonolojik duyarl k alt boyutundan (p=0,013, p<0,05) ve di er alt boyut olan “harf-ses ili kisi”nden (p=0,000, p<0,05) elde ettikleri puanlarda sosyo-kültürel gruplar aras fark anlaml r. Cinsiyetler aras fark anlaml de ildir.
The purpose of this study is to analyze phonological awareness of children who attends preschool to
different variables. The participants of this study are 162 kindergarten children; 76 of which are girls and 86 are boys who
reside in Ankara metropolitan city center and who attend state governed kindergartens of Ministry of National Education in
2005-2006 school year. “Test of Phonological Awareness (Second Edition:Plus)” has been applied which was developed by
Joseph K.Torgesen and Brian R.Bryant in 1994. Furthermore, “Demographic Information Form” devised by the researchers
was used to get information about children’s family and teachers. Data collected were analyzed through One Way Analysis of
Variance– ANOVA, Post-Hoc Tests of Tukey HSD, LSD and T-test. There is significant difference between sociocultural
level in sub dimension of same-different sounds “Test of Phonological Awareness” (p=0,013, p<0,05) and also sub
dimension of letter-sound correspondence (p=0,000, p<0,05) Children from middle and upper sociocultural level
outperformed those of lower sociocultural level in “Test of Phonological Awareness”, and in discriminating same/different
sounds and letter sound correspondence. The findings of the investigation reveals that sex of child did not become effective
with phonological awareness.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: fonolojik duyarlılık, sosyo-kültürel seviye, anasınıfı.
KEYWORDS: phonological awareness, socio- cultural level, kindergarten
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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