Bu ara rman n amac ; iki farkl meslek grubunda çal anlar n risk e ilimi ve denetim oda aç ndan kar la lmas ve risk alma e ilimi ile denetim oda aras ndaki ili kinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaç do rultusunda, Kastamonu li Milli E itim Müdürlü ü’ne ba olarak görev yapan 263 erkek ö retmen ve Kastamonu li Emniyet Müdürlü ü’ne ba görev yapan 168 erkek polis ile çal lm r. Çal maya kat lanlara Denetim Oda Ölçe i, Arnet Heyecan Arama Ölçe i ve ki isel bilgi formu uygulanm bunlardan elde edilen bulgular SPSS (11.00) istatistik program ile de erlendirilmi tir. De erlendirme sonuçlar na göre; risk alma e ilimi ile denetim oda aras nda pozitif yönlü (r=.112; P<.05) ili ki bulunmu tur. Ayr ca d sal denetim odakl lar n içsel denetim odakl lara oranla anlaml ekilde daha fazla risk alma e iliminde olduklar bulunmu tur.
In this study, it is aimed to compare the employees of two different occupational groups in terms of
risk tendency and locus of control and investigation of the relationship between locus of control and risk taking tendency. For
this purpose, 263 male teachers who work in Kastamonu as personnel of Ministry of Education and 168 policemen who also
work in Kastamonu as personnel of City Police Department are studied with. Locus of Control Scale, the Arnett Inventory of
Sensation Seeking and Personal Information Form are applied to the participants. SPSS (11.00) pack program is used for the
analysis of the gathered data. According to the results, it is found that, there is a positive correlation (r=.112; p<.05) between
risk taking tendency and locus of control. Also, the people who have an external locus of control significantly have more
tendencies on risk taking when they are compared with the internals.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: denetim odağı, risk eğilimi, risk algısı
KEYWORDS: locus of control, risk tendency, risk perception.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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