This study, it is aimed to examine the mathematics curriculum of vocational education centers, secondary education, and science high schools, which are currently applied at the secondary education level, in terms of some variables according to the top-down and bottom-up approach. In the study, the document review method which is one of the qualitative research methods was used, and criterion sampling was adopted as the sampling method. The data were obtained through comparisons made by evaluating the purposes, perspective, basic philosophy, general purposes, number of acquisitions, and learning domains of the curricula. The ratios of the acquisitions in the curriculums, real-life situations, the "scientists and their studies" emphasized in the general purposes of the curriculum and information and communication technologies to all acquisitions were also examined, and it was revealed whether there was any difference between the curriculums by using descriptive statistical methods such as percentage and frequency. As a result of the research, it has been observed that there are similarities in the purposes, competencies, and general purposes of the mathematics curriculum of all three curriculums within the framework of the curriculum in which the top-down bottom-up approach is aimed. Within the framework of the applied curriculum, it was concluded that the least association was in the mathematics curriculum of vocational education centers in the examination of the associations made with scientists and their studies, real-life, and information and communication technologies in all three curriculums. In this direction, suggestions have been made for the points that need to be developed in line with the purposes, perspectives, and associations with acquisitions of the curriculums.
KEYWORDS: Secondary education mathematics curriculum, top-down and bottom-up approach, curriculum evaluation
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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