Res. Ast. Dr. Sema ÇILDIR & Res. Ast. Nazan SEZEN

Problem kurma, e itimcilerin üzerinde dikkatle durdu u konular aras ndad r. Bu çal mada fizik ö retmen adaylar n problem kurma beceri düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve problem kurma hakk ndaki görü lerinin de erlendirilmesi yap lm r. Bu amaçla ö retmen adaylar na serbest problem kurma, yar -yap land lm problem kurma ve yap land lm problem kurma durumlar na yönelik 10 farkl etkinlik verilmi ve bu etkinliklere yönelik problem kurmalar istenilmi tir. Problem kurma etkinliklerinin sonras nda ö retmen adaylar yla odak grup görü meleri yap larak problem kurmaya yönelik görü leri al nm r. Çal man n sonunda ö retmen adaylar n yap land lm problem kurma durumlar nda daha etkin olduklar , serbest problem kurma durumlar nda ise di er durumlara nazaran daha yetersiz olduklar tespit edilmi tir. Buna ek olarak, ö retmen adaylar n, genellikle ayn tür problemler kurduklar belirlenmi tir. Yap lan görü melerde ise ö retmen adaylar n problem kurmay , problem çözmeye göre daha zor bir etkinlik olarak alg lad klar belirlenmi tir. Ayr ca ö retmen adaylar n problem kurmay geli tirilebilir bir beceri olarak gördükleri ve bu becerinin mesleki ya amlar nda önemli bir role sahip olaca dü ündükleri sonucu ortaya ç km r.

Problem posing is one of the topics which the educators thoroughly accentuate. Problem posing skill is defined as an introvert activity of a student’s learning. In this study, skill levels of prospective physics teachers on problem posing were determined and their views on problem posing were evaluated. To this end, prospective teachers were given 10 different activities on free problem posing, semi-constructed problem posing, and constructed problem posing; and they were asked to pose problems relating to these activities. At the end of the problem posing activities, it was seen that prospective teachers were more efficient in constructed problem posing, and that they were comparatively less competent in free problem posing. In addition to this, it was determined that the prospective teachers usually posed same kind of problems. According to the interviews, it was determined that prospective teachers consider problem posing as a more difficult task than problem solving. Moreover, it was reached some conclusions such as students think problem posing can be improved and this ability has an important role in their professional life.

ANAHTAR KELİMELER: çözme becerisi, problem kurma becerisi, öğretmen adayı

KEYWORDS: problem solving skill, problem posing skill, prospective teacher

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