Bu çal mada, moleküler biyoloji, biyoteknoloji ve genetik mühendisli i konular n kal ve anlaml retilebilmesi amac na yönelik olarak, mevcut deneylerin elveri sizli ini ortadan kald racak deneylerin eklenmesi ve derslerin sanal laboratuvar destekli i lenmesinin ö renme sürecine olan etkileri ara lm r. Deneyler, kolay elde edilebilir, ucuz malzemelerin kullan yla yürütülebilecek deneylerden seçilmi tir. DNA izolasyonu ve elektroforez tekni i, üç farkl retim yöntemi ile i lenmi tir. Bunlar; geleneksel düz anlat m, deneysel ve bilgisayar destekli haz rlanan sanal laboratuvar yöntemleri olarak belirlenmi tir. Olu turulan üç grupta bu farkl ö retim yöntemleri ile i lenmi tir. Sonuçlar, deneysel yöntemin kullan ld gruptaki ö rencilerin ba ar ortalamalar n üstün oldu unu ve düz anlat m ile sanal laboratuvar yönteminin kullan ld gruplardaki ö rencilerin ba ar ortalamalar na göre istatistiksel olarak anlaml fark bulundu unu ortaya koymu tur. Bulgular, deneysel yöntemin, ö renci ba ar ve kal ö renmenin sa lanmas bak mlar ndan, geleneksel düz anlat m ve bilgisayar destekli sanal laboratuvar yöntemlerine göre daha ba ar oldu unu göstermi tir. Sanal laboratuvar grubunun geleneksel düz anlat m grubuna göre, ö rencilerin kal ö renme düzeyi bak ndan daha üstün oldu u da anla lm r.
In this study, with the aim to achieve a lasting and meaningful learning of the molecular biology, biotechnology and genetic engineering topics, the effects of including experiments to eliminate the inconvenience of the current experiments and application of courses supported by virtual laboratory on learning process were investigated. The selected experiments were simple and could be performed by using easily available and cheap materials. DNA isolation and electrophoresis techniques were taught by three different teaching methods. Teaching methods were determined to be the traditional lecture method, the experimental method and the computer-aided virtual laboratory method; and the three groups were taught by these different teaching methods. Results demonstrated that the average success of students in the experimental group was statistically superior than the average success of groups taught with the traditional lecture and virtual laboratory method. Findings support the notion that, the experimental method was more successful than the traditional lecture and computer-aided virtual laboratory methods, in terms of students’ success and achieving permanent learning. Additionaly, it was found that the permanent learning level of students was in the favor of the virtual laboratory group, compared to that of the traditional lecture group.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: DNA izolasyonu, elektroforez, deneysel yöntem, sanal laboratuvar
KEYWORDS: DNA isolation, electrophoresis, experimental methods, virtual laboratory
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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