Bu çal›flmada boyun e¤ici davran›fllar›n (itaat) lise son s›n›f ö¤rencileri aras›ndaki yayg›nl›¤› incelenmifltir. Araflt›rma kapsam›
na lise son s›n›fta okuyan 385 (% 58.1) k›z 278 (% 41.9) erkek olmak üzere toplam 663 ö¤renci al›nm›flt›r. Veri toplama araçlar›
olarak Boyun E¤ici Davran›fllar Ölçe¤i’nin (BEDÖ) Türkçe Formu ve Alg›lanan Sosyal Destek Ölçe¤i (ASDÖ) ile araflt›rmac› taraf›
ndan gelifltirilmifl olan Ö¤renci Kiflisel Bilgi Formu kullan›lm›flt›r. Veriler Kay-Kare (x2) tekni¤i ile analiz edilmifltir. Araflt›rman›
n bulgular›na göre, k›zlardan çok erkekler aras›nda, tek çocuklu veya en az üç çocu¤u olan ailelerde, ailesinin geliri düflük, ailesinden
yeterince destek görmeyen, ailesinde s›kl›kla sert tart›flmalar olan, ailesi oldukça dindar ve akademik baflar›s› düflük ö¤renciler
aras›nda boyun e¤ici davran›fllar daha yayg›n bulunmufltur. Bulgular literatür ›fl›¤›nda tart›fl›lm›fl ve önerilerde bulunulmufltur.
In thise study, prevalence of submissive acts were examined among high school students. The sample of the study
included totally 663 (385 female, 278 male) high school students. Submissive Acts Scale (SAS) - Turkish Form and Perceived Social
Support Scale (PSSS) developed by Y›ld›r›m (1997) were administred to the students in other to gather the data in this study. Also,
a questionnaire developed by researcher was given the students. The data were analyzed by x2 technique. According to the research
findings, submissive acts have been found prevalent among the male students who are from the families having one or at least
three children, whose family have low income, are quite religious, who do not get enough support from their parents, who grow up
in families having serious debates very often, whose academic achievements are low. The findings were discussed in the light of related
literature, and suggestion were made.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Boyun eğici davranışlar, lise son sınıf öğrencileri, boyun eğici davranışların yaygınlığı
KEYWORDS: Submissive acts, high school students, prevalance of submissive acts.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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