Bu araflt›rman›n amac› Okullarda matematik ö¤retmeni olarak görev yapan ö¤retmenler ve matematik ö¤retmen adaylar›n›n
ö¤retim sürecinde biliflim teknolojilerinin kullan›m›na iliflkin bak›fllar›n› irdelemektir. Araflt›rma grubu Hacettepe Üniversitesi E¤itim Fakültesi
“‹lkö¤retim Matematik Ö¤retmenli¤i Bölümü” son s›n›f›nda okuyan 53 ö¤retmen aday› ve 25 Matematik ö¤retmeninden oluflmaktad›
r. Araflt›rma üç aflamada gerçekleflmifltir. Birinci aflamada, “k›sa bir süre sonra ö¤retmenlik mesle¤ine bafllamas› beklenen ö¤-
retmen adaylar› biliflim teknolojisine (BT) ders planlar›nda ne kadar yer vermektedirler?” sorusuna yan›t bulabilmek amac›yla, ö¤retmen
adaylar›ndan birer saatlik ders plan› haz›rlamalar› istenmifl, haz›rlanan ders planlar›nda ö¤rencilerin sadece üç tanesinin biliflim teknolojisine
yer verdi¤i dikkati çekmifltir. Bunun üzerine ikinci aflamaya geçilmifltir. Bu kez ö¤retmen adaylar›na “ders planlar›nda neden
BT kullanmad›klar›na iliflkin” olas› nedenleri de içeren aç›k uçlu sorular yöneltilmifltir. Üçüncü aflamada ise okullarda matematik ö¤retmeni
olarak görev yapmakta olan 25 ö¤retmenin 45 ders plan› incelenmifltir.Verilerin çözümlenmesinde betimsel içerik analizi yap›lm›flt›
r. Çözümlemeler sonucunda ö¤retmen adaylar›n›n, en çok bilgisayara, derste kullanacak kadar hakim olmad›klar›; sonra ders plan› haz›
rlad›¤› konunun daha iyi ö¤renilmesi için teknoloji kullan›m›n›n gerekmedi¤i ve görev yapaca¤› okullarda teknoloji kullanma olanaklar›
n›n fazla olmayaca¤› görüflünde olduklar› için planlar›nda BT kullan›m›na yer vermedikleri saptanm›flt›r. Okullarda halen görev yapmakta
olan ö¤retmenlerin de teknoloji kullan›m› konusunda ö¤retmen adaylar›ndan çok da farkl› olmad›¤›, daha da kötü olarak incelenen
ders planlar›n›n hiçbirinde ders araç-gereci olarak BT kullan›lmad›¤› görülmüfltür.
The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of prospective primary mathematics teachers towards ICT
use in the teaching and learning process. The sample group consisted of 53 prospective teachers currently in the Faculty of Education
Department of Teaching Primary Mathematics at Hacettepe University and 25 mathematics school teachers . The research was
conducted in three stages. In the first stage, in order to determine how often prospective teachers integrated ICT into their lesson
plans, prospective teachers, who are expected to start their teaching career, were asked to prepare a one- hour lesson plan. It was noticed
that only three had integrated ICT technology in their lesson plans. In accordance with these results, the second stage was started.
At this stage an open-ended questionnaire was given to prospective teachers to determine the possible reasons for not integrating
ICT into their lesson plans. Third stage 25 mathematics school teachers’ 45 daily lesson plans were examined. The data were analyzed
through descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis showed that ICT were not taken place in their lesson plans, because they
felt they were not competent enough to use, especially computers in their class; and that there was no need for such equipment for
the topic of the lesson for which a plan has been made. Finally because they felt that the schools they would be working at would not
be as equipped technologically. However, there were no differences between prospective and the school teachers and ICT were also
not taken places in any of the school teachers’ lesson plans.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: matematik eğitimi, eğitimde bilişim teknolojileri, öğretmen yetiştirme
KEYWORDS: Mathematics education, ICT, teacher training
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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