Bu çal›flman›n amac› basit elektrik devreleri konusunda görülen cinsiyet farkl›l›klar›n› literatürde yap›ld›¤› gibi toplam skorlar
üzerinden de¤il, farkl› alt kavram yan›lg›s› kategorilerinden elde edilen skorlar üzerinden de¤erlendirmektir. Ayr›ca, görülen cinsiyet
farkl›l›klar›n›n nedenlerinin ö¤rencinin yafl›, elektrik konusuna yönelik tutum ve tecrübeleri ile sorunun sorulma flekli olup olmad›¤›
n› araflt›rmak çal›flman›n di¤er bir boyutudur. Çal›flma sonunda, ö¤rencilerin tecrübeye dayal› sorulardan elde ettikleri toplam
skorlarda erkeklerin lehine anlaml› bir fark bulunurken, teoriye dayal› sorulardan elde edilen toplam skorlarda cinsiyetler aras›nda
herhangi bir farkl›l›k olmad›¤› ortaya ç›km›flt›r. Ayr›ca, ö¤rencinin yafl›, elektrik konusuna yönelik tutumu ve ayn› konuya iliflkin tecrübelerinin
ortak de¤iflen olarak analize dahil edilmesiyle tecrübeye dayal› sorularda gözlemlenen farkl›l›¤›n ortadan kalkt›¤› görülmüfltür.
Bununla birlikte, tecrübeye dayal› sorulardan elde edilen toplam skorlar üzerinde cinsiyet farkl›l›klar› gözlemlenmesine ra¤-
men, her bir alt kavram yan›lg›s› kategorisinden elde edilen skorlar incelendi¤inde, alt› kategoriden sadece üçünde cinsiyetler aras›nda
istatistiksel olarak anlaml› bir fark oldu¤u gözlemlenmifltir.
The purpose of this study was to investigate gender difference on simple electricity by using scores obtained from
different sub misconception categories rather than total scores as seen in literature. In addition to these, reasons of observed gender
difference will constitute another dimension of the study. Students’ age, interest and experience related to electricity and context of
the question were all examined as possible reasons for gender difference. Gender difference was observed on the dependent variable
of total scores on the practical items, in favor of males. However, there was no significant gender difference on the dependent variable
of total scores on the theoretical items. Moreover, observed gender difference was mediated on the total scores over the practical
items, when students’ age, interest toward electricity and experience related to the same concept were added to the analysis as
covariate. Results of the statistical analysis showed that, although gender difference was observed on the total scores over the practical
items, when the scores obtained from each misconception category examined, statistically significant gender differences observed
only on three of the six sub misconception categories which means that total score does not tell the truths every time.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: basit elektrik devreleri, kavram yanılgıları, cinsiyet farklılıkları, tutum, tecrübe
KEYWORDS: simple electric circuits, misconceptions, gender difference, attitude, experience
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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