Bu çal›flma, 9.s›n›f cebir ö¤rencilerinin do¤rusal iliflkiler konusunu ö¤renmelerinde bilgisayar kullan›m›n›n etkilerini
incelemifltir. Bu amaç ile ba¤lant›l› ve yar› ba¤lant›l› gösterim yaz›l›m› kullanan iki deney ve bir kontrol grubu karfl›laflt›r›lm›flt›r. Veri
toplama yöntemleri matematik ön ve son testleri, uygulama sonras› mülakatlar› ve bilgisayar ortam›ndaki klinik mülakatlar›, s›n›f ve
laboratuvar gözlemleri, döküman analizi ve matematiksel gösterimleri tercih anketinden oluflmufltur. Bu çal›flman›n sonuçlar›, yar›
ba¤lant›l› gösterimlerin ba¤lant›l› gösterimler kadar etkili olabilece¤ini ve her ikisinin de farkl› durumlarda, de¤iflik s›n›f
seviyelerinde ve matematik konular›nda kullan›m› oldu¤unu göstermifltir.
The focus of this study was on comparing three groups of Algebra I 9th-year students: one group using linked representation
software, the second group using similar software but with semi-linked representations, and the control group in order to
examine the effects on students’ understanding of linear relationships. Data collection methods included mathematics pre- and
posttests, follow-up interviews, computer-based clinical interviews at the end of the treatment, classroom and lab observations, document
analysis, and survey. The conclusion of this study was that semi-linked representations could be as effective as linked representations
and that there was a role for each in different situations, at different levels, and with different mathematical concepts.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Matematik eğitimi, bilgisayar denekli eğitim, çoğul gösterimler,doğrusal ilişkiler
KEYWORDS: Mathematics Education, Computer-Assisted Education, Multiple Representations, Linear Relationships
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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