Araflt›rmada, annesi çal›flan ve çal›flmayan çocuklar›n ba¤›ml›l›k e¤ilimlerinin belirlenmesi ve baz› de¤iflkenlerin ba¤›ml›-
l›k e¤ilimlerinde farkl›l›k yarat›p yaratmad›¤›n›n saptanmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Araflt›rma, annesi çal›flan orta sosyo-ekonomik düzeydeki
ilkö¤retim okullar›na devam eden 105 çocuk ile annesi çal›flan çocuklar›n devam ettikleri okuldan annesi çal›flmayan 105 çocuk
olmak üzere toplam 210 çocuk üzerinde yürütülmüfltür. Araflt›rmada Flanders, Anderson ve Amidon taraf›ndan gelifltirilen Ulu¤tekin
taraf›ndan Türkçe’ye çevrilen “Ba¤›ml›l›k E¤ilimi Ölçe¤i” kullan›lm›flt›r. Araflt›rmadan elde edilen veriler “Çift Yönlü Varyans Analizi”
ile de¤erlendirilmifltir. Araflt›rma sonucunda annesi çal›flan ve çal›flmayan çocuklar›n ba¤›ml›l›k e¤ilimi puan ortalamalar› aras›
nda önemli farkl›l›klar oldu¤u belirlenmifltir (P<0.01). Araflt›rmaya dahil edilen çocuklar›n annenin çal›flma durumu, cinsiyet, anne-
baba ö¤renim durumu, anne çal›flma durumu x anne ö¤renim durumu interaksiyonuna göre ba¤›ml›l›k e¤ilimi puan ortalamalar›
aras›nda anlaml› bir farkl›l›k bulundu¤u saptanm›flt›r (P<0.01).
In this study, it is aimed to determine the dependency tendencies of children of working and non-working mothers
and whether some factors create any difference for these dependency tendencies. The research included a total of 210 children, 105
of whose mothers are working and who attend an elementary school of an average socioeconomic level; the remaining 105 children
of non-working mothers attend the same school with the children of working mothers. In the study, the “Dependency Tendency Scale”
developed by Flanders, Anderson and Amidon and translated by Ulugtekin was used. The data obtained from the research were
assessed by the “Two-Way Variance Analysis”. The outcome of this study has shown that there are significant differences between
the point averages in dependency tendencies of children of working and non-working mothers (P<0.01). It is found that children display
a meaningful difference between the point averages in dependency tendencies in accordance with the working condition of their
mothers, gender, educational background of their parents, the interaction of mother’s working condition x educational background
ANAHTAR KELİMELER: bağımlılık eğilimi, çalışan anneler, çalışmayan anneler, ilkokul çocukları .
KEYWORDS: dependency tendency, working mothers, nonworking mothers, primary school children.
efdergi@hacettepe.edu.tr http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education 06800 Beytepe / Ankara
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